In a frozen dystopia where inhabitants eat flesh to survive, can the destructive powers of fire brin...
- Author: Fujimoto Tatsuki
- Genres: Action / Shounen / Supernatural / Tragedy
Gattsu, known as the Black Swordsman, seeks sanctuary from the demonic forces that persue himself an...
- Author: Kentarou Miura
- Genres: Action / Horror / Mature / Seinen / Adventure / Drama
Akira and his classmates are travelling on a plane when it crashes onto an island inhabited by speci...
- Author: YAMADA Yoshinobu
- Genres: Action / Drama / Ecchi / Fantasy / Horror / Psychological / Romance / Shounen
Witness the titular Punpun - who is depicted as a tiny, caricatured bird in an otherwise normal huma...
- Author: asano inio
- Genres: Comedy / Drama / Mature / Psychological / Romance / School Life / Seinen / Slice Of Life / Tragedy
After getting his sister devoured by a dragon and losing all their supplies in a failed dungeon raid...
- Author: KUI Ryoko
- Genres: Comedy / Fantasy / Seinen
Those who are resistant to death are called "Demi-humans".<br><br>That day, Ke...
- Author: SAKURAI Gamon
- Genres: Adventure / Horror / Mystery / Seinen / Supernatural
When a creature attacks the city, a man with strange powers reluctantly stands to fight... but a sha...
- Author: Nihei
- Genres: Action / Sci-Fi / Seinen / Supernatural
- Author: Face park
- Genres: Webtoons / Yaoi / Mature / Smut / Comedy / Drama / Fantasy / Harem
The manga centers on homicide detective Hiroki Dan, the son of a former police superintendent genera...
- Author: Koga kei,Izawa ryo
- Genres: Psychological / horror / mystery
Different from others, playboy Ryu Jihyun falls in love with the pure-hearted Han Yohan. Though Jihy...
- Author: PlanB
- Genres: Romance / Yaoi / Webtoons / Smut / School Life
“I’m dreaming of a soap opera like love." Wooshin Hyung replied with that line on t...
- Author: Chaegu , Chaegoo
- Genres: Yaoi / Smut / Comedy / Webtoons
“I’m dreaming of a soap opera like love." Wooshin Hyung replied with that line on t...
- Author: Chaegu , Chaegoo
- Genres: Yaoi / Smut / Comedy / Webtoons
Young college student Nonohiko is faced with a dilemma: his super-cheap college dorm has been closed...
- Author: Owaru
- Genres: Comedy / Romance / Yaoi / Smut
In a hidden corner of a quiet street, there sits a strange café. The owner is Ingyu, a horny ...
- Author: Churrr
- Genres: Webtoons / Comedy / Supernatural / Yaoi
The Godai family has always been in the money lending business, and Minoru is no exception to the ru...
- Author: niyama
- Genres: Comedy / Romance / Yaoi
From Good Girls Scan BL:I, Hiroto Yuri, have apparently become a pervert. Lately, I keep seeing erot...
- Author: non food
- Genres: Comedy / Fantasy / Romance / Yaoi