YOU DESERVE SOOOOO MUCH MORE AND BETTER!!!!!!!! UGHGHHH I CAN GIVE U ALL THE LOVE U DESERVE !!!!!! ~~~~~~ Frickin Siwon you stupid hoe. Ugggh I’ve never ever been so irritated by such a horribly characterized uke. UGGGGHHHHH JUST UGGGHHHH. Jinha is suffering way too much over here. Honestly, Xun Run can have Siwon, Jinha deserves better. Anyone here for Jinha x Donghyuk???

At this point, I feel like it’s a waste of my energy to hope for anything outta this manga cuz the mangaka is really taking their sweet time to avoid the necessities needed to develop this story with unwanted unnecessary new characters. There’s just a ton of plot holes now and idk how the mangaka will fix that. But if they somehow manage, I’ll applaud. But honestly, this drag that’s been going on for more than a year now is not what the readers want. At this point, I’m only staying for the sex, so do try to change my mind again.

I just finished binge watching Riverdale and came on here to perk me up and wow.... I’m pretty impressed.... I thought the hiatus would last until July but I guessed rightfully wrong. BUT OH BOI I CAN SMELL THE DRAMA COMING FROM MILES AWAY HOLY COW IM READY FOR THIS GIVE IT TO ME (but plz don’t hurt my babies.... I am a little scared about that)

For the 7 years that I’ve been reading gay porn and BL, I’ve never EVER dropped a single BL manga or manhwa, and i wanna keep it that way..... but this story.... oh my FRICKIN GOOOOOOOD!!!!! ITS SO ANNOYING!!!!!!! ITS MAKING MY BLOOD BOIL~~~~ literally the only thing making me stay, is so that I can see my precious Jinha happy. We all know it’s going to have a happy ending, it just has to at this point, no? It has literally the same feel/atmosphere as the kdrama “The Heirs” (which was 10x more annoying than this story) and it had a really boring and sudden happy ending which is what I feel like will happen with this story and everyone is going to hate it but still be happy for our sons (I’ll only be happy for Jinha, screw everyone else). This story is definitely going to have the typical rushed and empty ending for sure. I’ll be surprised if I end up being wrong tho

I’m still confused. All I know is that Sangwoo has an opedius complex and that Bum is completely out of his mind, stock holm syndrome on a whole other level.
I also got that Sangwoo is his truest self when drunk since “drunk talk is real talk” and I felt like that scene might’ve foreshadowed Sangwoo’s death since he said he’s never going to grow old??? Also, I just have a major gut feeling that Sangwoo just will die in the end somehow. (I’m hoping Bum is the one that ends up killing him or that Sangwoo will accidentally kill Bum and then commit guilt-suicide)

I’m still waiting for one of them to suddenly die. I’m sorry but I’ve learned to not keep my hopes up to high. Also, this manhwa has been way too unpredictable lately so I’m not going to be surprised by whatever and however it’s going to end. Just give it to me already. I’ve already moved on to better manhwa to Fangirl and cry over so let’s just get this over with
I know I should be focusing on the latest chapter and all and being flabbergasted by Mariam’s demon form but I can’t help but be so amazed and awed and impressed with the positivity of the comment section and the fan base of this manhwa. And for once, everyone seems to be on the same page too! (LITERALLY LOL) this really makes me happy y’all and I just had to say it just cuz of how happy it made me. Y’All are great!