A shitty backstory doesn’t excuse your shitty actions you piece of shit. Stay away from my son! I still don’t believe him. Something in my gut tells me that there’s still something just WRONG! And also, he’s legit using emotional pity to manipulate Param which doesn’t sit right with me and is mostly why I still don’t feel good about this. It seems super sus that he just suddenly whips out his backstory like that in that exact moment, like a final wild card. No. Param better not give in. He has Hwi now. So Taehyun can just skidaddle doo outta here!!!!!

As a kpop stan... I don’t condone nor ship idols cuz that’s not my thing but knowing the celebrity industry, this threesome shit has had to have happened like at least a few times over the years and I don’t want to picture who cuz I don’t like shipping real people irl, but I feel it’s an unspoken fact that there have been celebrities that have gotten freaky with each other like this at least once. Not saying who and I definitely do NOT want ppl commenting who cuz I ain’t into that but tis a fact i cannot help but just think that this kind of kinky shit has happened behind the scenes somewhere.... sometime....

Okay... I thought this was going to be a lot more angstier with the whole rich/powerful family background spiel going on, like in BJ Alex or Kaichou wa Maid-sama but no. It’s just.... a very fucked up younger brother xDxD I’m sorry, I shouldn’t laugh but damn was that anti-climatic for me. I seriously thought there was going to be some traumatic heartbreak or bullying or like a sense of inferiority or something happened to his mom.... nope.... just a psycho brother

yeah I think it's really about your past experiences tec. For me it was really the first manga I read from beginning to end and the first time I actually collected the whole series of books. Also usui was my first manga crush (anime crush was years before Shinichi kudo... and he still is together with acai and mamuro lol)... so I guess a lot of my hype is due to that. Today I have many more manga series I deem way more interesting and I hold dearer to my heart for various facts (Finder!!!!!, At the end of the road, kuroshitsuji, etc.) so yeah :)

It’s the angsty rich kid trope that’s pretty frequent in any genre of romance, yaoi/Yuri/straight. Nothing weird about comparing that. I honestly was just expecting Arte’s backstory to be like Usui’s or Jinwon’s from Bj Alex. Like I wanted something more dramatic than just a psycho brother. Not saying it ain’t angsty, but it was very anti-climatic for me. I do hope that when the brother shows up, it’s BIG ANGST and we get some sort of brother brawl like in Lover’s Level or soemthing

Why do Koreans assume that blonde and blue eyes is the automatic “hot type” for an American???? Bro. This ain’t true. For anybody who isn’t from the US, everyone here is ugly as fuck! You won’t be able to find someone as hot as Liam unless you go to some white European country cuz you ain’t going to find a Liam in the US. The Liams in the US are those ugly fuck bois with either dark curly hair covering their whole face or shaved sides (y’all know what I’m talkin about) and no offense to any american Liams out there but I’m just putting this out there for anyone who thinks the US has an sort of good looks around here. Do not get your hopes up yall when you visit the states!

u make no sense white americans originate from those places anyway that was my point when you called them all ugly but europeans attractive lol their genes didn't change other than possibly becoming mixed with poc lol also u literally said WE and i'm not white so anyone would believe ur talking about yourself and them

Yeah, I understand what you’re saying, but white Americans did not get the good looks genes from Europe is what I’m saying. Just becuz the parents are good looking doesn’t mean all their children are going to be just at good looking. There’s bound to be one defect child and that defect child is certainly the US. And in my INITIAL comment, I didn’t specifically mention white Americans. I just said that people from outside the US, specifically Koreans (and East Asians in general) have this imagine of a good looking American being equivalent to a blonde with blue eyes which no one is going to find here cuz we’re all ugly (white and non-white). If you’re trying to find an actually hot blondie with blue eyes like Liam, you’ll have better luck in Europe (or Australia or New Zealand, probs even in Canada). Clearly, you didn’t understand what I was initially saying and are making way too big a deal out of this and ruining it for everyone

This is all supposed be fun and jokes a lot of us US Americans here can agreeingly laugh at, like take a damn break, especially more so if you ain’t white. Like if you were, I would apologize if you felt offended but like you’re not. So damn, just chill. No need to take it so literal. This is literally a comment section under a BL omegaverse webtoon. Just chill

i can reply however i want lol im not offended nor am i asking for an apology what you ranted on made no sense and i replied to that cuz it's a comment section and there's a reply option haha also i could say the same to you it's just a bl no need to go on a paragraph long rant on peoples looks like damn chill

*sigh* maybe you should try retaking high school biology cuz I’ve tried explaining myself to you in 3 different ways and you still don’t understand. At that point, it’s not that you don’t understand, you just disagree, which is fine and you have every pompously entitled right to comment whatever you want, but it’s definitely not needed if you’re just going to ruin the fun for everyone here and be the party pooper. And I never said I was ugly. I’m just saying that the US isn’t a country that has the best looks in the world and anybody who thinks there’s gold here, is going to be disappointed. And there’s definitely different levels of attractiveness in all races, you’re just either not into white blondes or your beauty standards is just mono-perceived, which is fine. I just still don’t understand why you wanna keep this going when clearly I’m not getting to you and you very much seem to disagree with my comments, as I have also respectfully disagreed with some of your comments. Why don’t you just move on and keep on reading your BL? Cuz I will and will mute this convo after this. So see ya never, hope you have a good night/day. Stay safe and happy holidays~