Perlita-chan January 22, 2021 8:48 am

I’m hurt. I’m so hurt. I’m hurting for my baby Jooin. God fucking damn it! I wanna stab that fucking lil rich kid bitch. Yahwi better fucking rot in loss after this. I want him to suffer 1000x more than what Jooin suffered. Also, as much as possible as it is that Cain could’ve started the rumors, I do believe he didn’t do it becuz of how much he genuinely cares and loves Jooin. He wouldn’t do ANYTHING that could ever possibly hurt Jooin. But I definitely won’t deny the possibility of jealousy making him lose his morals to get Jooin. Definitely not dropping that chance, but I also can see how he would not be able to do something like that

Perlita-chan January 15, 2021 9:40 am

Blonde bitch acting like being gay is a quirky thing to do just “decide” to do. Ugh. I fucking hate him. I wanna stab him. Although I’ll stab him after I stab the shit out of Taehyun

    Yoonbums ankle January 15, 2021 10:18 am

    Ikr finding a man attractive and handsome does not mean ur gay!

Perlita-chan January 14, 2021 8:49 am

Cain too good for this world... what did we do to deserve him??? My heart hurts for him T—T

    YAIOLOVER January 14, 2021 9:46 am


Perlita-chan January 10, 2021 5:32 am

Okay, that scene might’ve been hot and gave Myungdae and Chanwoo vibes but like that boss’s personality is fucking yucky and I wanna punch him in his pretty face

Perlita-chan January 8, 2021 4:18 am

Ugh. I needed this chapter after reading the Anti P.T update. Bless the yaoi heavens

Perlita-chan January 8, 2021 4:10 am

I feel so viscerally sick to my stomach. And I also cried along with Param post-sex. Gosh.... we all know and Param knows too, that Taehyun took advantage of his vulnerability in that moment. Ugh.... this is just bad. In many ways. I’m hurting for myself. I’m hurting for Param. But most of all, I’m hurting for Hwi. Gosh... when he finds out.... ughhhhhhhhhhhh

    iLikeMe19 January 8, 2021 4:36 am

    Yes he did but remember, Han clearly said he won’t force Param, he asked if he could put it in and Param was like why even bother asking? Just put it in so basically param is a bitch rn so I feel so bad for hwi especially after hwi asked Param out.

    Perlita-chan January 8, 2021 5:31 am
    Yes he did but remember, Han clearly said he won’t force Param, he asked if he could put it in and Param was like why even bother asking? Just put it in so basically param is a bitch rn so I feel so bad for h... iLikeMe19

    That’s true but I’m talking about when they were in the car. It’s so obvious to anyone and Param as well that Taehyun used that opportunity to his advantage especially since he literally told Param that he knew about Param’s body sensitivity. He literally took advantage of his vulnerability both physically and emotionally cuz he knows Param liked him and had conflicting feelings in that moment. It’s so gross. And you can’t blame Param for it becuz of the fact Taehyun was his first love. I’d feel just as conflicted in his position if it were me. Param literally was tricked this entire time and Taehyun played with his feelings. It’s all very conflicting and Param knows it more than any of the readers here. It’s saddening. You cannot deny that Taehyun took advantage of his physical and emotional state. It’s fucked up. Plus, I wouldn’t be surprised if Taehyun was using that whole asking-for-consent as a facade to trick Param again. The real bitch here is and will always be Taehyun

    iLikeMe19 January 8, 2021 5:42 am
    That’s true but I’m talking about when they were in the car. It’s so obvious to anyone and Param as well that Taehyun used that opportunity to his advantage especially since he literally told Param that h... Perlita-chan

    Yes but no one can excuse Param for not using his brain. He could’ve left the car and said fuck no to Han. Rather than love, I’d say it was attraction. True love would never accept another’s confession and then proceed to fall into his manipulation. Yes Han is also a little bitch which I totally agree, I knew he was sketchy as fuck from the start. And Param is just too nice sometimes, he needs to step up and slap the fuck, wait no, BEAT THE FUCK OUT OF HAN. ALSO NOTE: He accepted Hwi’s confession I believe, others said it somewhere.

    Perlita-chan January 8, 2021 6:00 am
    Yes but no one can excuse Param for not using his brain. He could’ve left the car and said fuck no to Han. Rather than love, I’d say it was attraction. True love would never accept another’s confession an... iLikeMe19

    Yeah, but Param didn’t notice that till after sex. In that moment, Param was feeling all sorts of conflicted thoughts and emotions. You really can’t blame him. Not to mention his physical sensitivity that clouded his rationality. It’s not as easy as you think it should be. It’s complicated psychology and emotions. Especially after everything that Param was told and found out about Taehyun’s true colors. And since it was Param’s first love, it’s not like he understood or knew what true love is, especially since he’s never dated anyone and has been a single gay virgin his whole life. It’s easy to think you can get out of this situation becuz you’re only putting your experiences in the situation rather than considering what Param himself has been through. It really isn’t easy for Param and you cannot blame him for it. It’s no different than a victim of scammers or even non-consensual sex. It’s easy to say “use your brain” but can you really when your heart and hormones are going through the roof? I don’t think it’s fair to take it out on Param like that. Even he himself is aware of how stupid his decision was to do that. But again, in that moment, he was in a state of complete vulnerability both physically and emotionally and there was no way he could’ve gotten out of that situation, especially since Taehyun took advantage of it. And I don’t understand how Hwi’s confession is related to this, but it’s definitely going to be some hurtful angst to see Hwi find out Param went out and had sex with Taehyun.

    iLikeMe19 January 8, 2021 6:40 am
    Yeah, but Param didn’t notice that till after sex. In that moment, Param was feeling all sorts of conflicted thoughts and emotions. You really can’t blame him. Not to mention his physical sensitivity that c... Perlita-chan

    Hwi’s confession is unrelated? REALLY? BRUH HE ACCEPTED HWI’s CONFESSION SO THEY WERE DATING AND YET PARAM BEING THE VICTIM’ WENT TO FUCK WITH HAN, so yes me saying he uses no brain meaning he doesn’t even consider how hwi feels. If he wants to fuck with Han, I REALLY DONT MIND but don’t do that shit after dating lmao

    iLikeMe19 January 8, 2021 6:46 am
    Yeah, but Param didn’t notice that till after sex. In that moment, Param was feeling all sorts of conflicted thoughts and emotions. You really can’t blame him. Not to mention his physical sensitivity that c... Perlita-chan

    HE DIDNT NOTICE AFTER SEX I- hold on, he wasn’t that brain controlled by a dick in the first few chapters of them in the car scene before kissing though. Han is so fucking manipulative and he knows Param likes him., I wanna bash his head. At the same time, Param is also playing with Han’s feelings. Don’t victimize him in that but I do agree NOW that you said psychological brain thing. From BL stories I read, it’s always gotta be “I fucked my crush but found out after fucking around that I liked (male lead) instead, boo boo I’m sad I did that.” And I’m glad he regrets it. Let’s end this convo here, I’m sleepy. But thanks for sharing your thoughts, I understand what you meant on the

    iLikeMe19 January 8, 2021 6:46 am
    Yeah, but Param didn’t notice that till after sex. In that moment, Param was feeling all sorts of conflicted thoughts and emotions. You really can’t blame him. Not to mention his physical sensitivity that c... Perlita-chan

    -meant on the emotion things too.

    Perlita-chan January 9, 2021 4:27 am
    Hwi’s confession is unrelated? REALLY? BRUH HE ACCEPTED HWI’s CONFESSION SO THEY WERE DATING AND YET PARAM BEING THE VICTIM’ WENT TO FUCK WITH HAN, so yes me saying he uses no brain meaning he doesn’t e... iLikeMe19

    Accepting a confession doesn’t necessarily mean you’re now dating. From what I recall, Param didn’t return Hwi’s feelings yet due to the fact he still had feelings for Taehyun. There’s no way the cinnamon roll Param would cheat on Hwi if they were actually in a serious romantic relationship. I’m pretty sure they only agreed to go on a date and going on a date doesn’t mean you’re boyfriends automatically. Also, Hwi confessed knowing fully well of Param’s feelings for Taehyun so it’s not really cheating. Just as an FYI. And I’m not saying you should be mad at Param for his actions, but I am saying you shouldn’t be hard on him due to the fact he is a victim of Taehyun’s manipulation and disgusting act of taking advantage of someone’s vulnerable state. That’s all I’m trying to say becuz I personally understand and have been in Param’s position in a way. It’s conflicting and complicated. That’s all

    iLikeMe19 January 9, 2021 4:44 am
    Accepting a confession doesn’t necessarily mean you’re now dating. From what I recall, Param didn’t return Hwi’s feelings yet due to the fact he still had feelings for Taehyun. There’s no way the cinn... Perlita-chan

    Okay but what about the fact he lied to Hwi about not anything happening with him and Han?? Still a bitch move, no excuses. And Param said Han isn’t the only one he likes, he stated he also has feelings for Hwi so it’s obvious Hwi and Param were going to start their dating in a serious manner afterwards. But of course one had to fall into a trap and fuck around. He later got on his knees and begged Hwi for a second chance and I think Hwi should just go with someone else that will take his confession seriously cause we can see he likes Param genuinely. Trust is very important even in a date that’s just starting out, Param already made a red flag by lying to Hwi. And okay he did fuck with Han, okay but that doesn’t justify Hwi’s feelings afterwards when finding out he fucked with Han. Imagine you like someone and that someone gives you a chance but then later fucks with someone else just to prove a point or opportunity. Anyways let’s for real end discussion here lmao, I stand my statement.

    Perlita-chan January 9, 2021 4:58 am
    Okay but what about the fact he lied to Hwi about not anything happening with him and Han?? Still a bitch move, no excuses. And Param said Han isn’t the only one he likes, he stated he also has feelings for H... iLikeMe19

    I’m pretty sure he told that to Hwi before Param had sex with Taehyun. He really wasn’t doing anything with Taehyun until Taehyun started making moves on him. And from I remember, Param didn’t tell Hwi he liked him becuz he still didn’t realize his feelings for him yet. Again, Param still had conflicting feelings towards Taehyun and hasn’t really explored his feelings for Hwi. From the looks of it, Param was barely realizing his feelings for Hwi during the time he was with Taehyun cuz he realized he was being manipulated by him. And even if it’s obvious that Hwi and Param were going to start a serious relationship, it’s still not cheating. Param didn’t cheat becuz they ARENT in a relationship and that’s a fact. Of course it’ll hurt Hwi knowing Param did this, but it’s not cheating whether you like to admit it or not. And I’m very confident Param hasn’t lied to Hwi in any way. Idk where you’ve been reading this manhwa, but I’m very sure Param hasn’t lied to Hwi. Taehyun and Param having sex is happening during a time when neither Hwi or Param have committed to each other officially. And if you stand by your statement, then I do too simply becuz of the fact I have personal relatability to what’s happening and understand what Param is going through.

    iLikeMe19 January 9, 2021 5:57 am
    I’m pretty sure he told that to Hwi before Param had sex with Taehyun. He really wasn’t doing anything with Taehyun until Taehyun started making moves on him. And from I remember, Param didn’t tell Hwi he... Perlita-chan

    Lmao him lying is in the raws, I clearly stated that, no one can deny it. I translated it, it directly went to “nothing happened”, you can see the look on Param’s face when he’s lying. Anyways cheating is cheating, hope he fixes his mistake.
    And it’s still dating, stop making up stupid excuses like it’s not dating when he accepted Hwi’s confession. Especially when Param said to his friend that he has feelings for two men, I agree with his friend to make up his stupid brain.

    Perlita-chan January 9, 2021 6:26 am
    Lmao him lying is in the raws, I clearly stated that, no one can deny it. I translated it, it directly went to “nothing happened”, you can see the look on Param’s face when he’s lying. Anyways cheating ... iLikeMe19

    Okay, well I have patience and don’t look at the raws. I’m basing this off of the English translations that have currently been updated. I even took the time to look back and re-read. 1) Hwi did not confess to Param at all, he only asked him to go on a date. Thus, the whole confession thing is out the window in this discussion. 2) it’s still not cheating if you’re not dating. And going on a date doesn’t mean you’re dating. And I’m using the definition of dating as in being in an actual serious relationship. It’s not stupid excuses, it’s what dating actually is, sis. And as of chapter 40, the most recent English translated update, Param and Hwi aren’t dating nor are they in a serious relationship. As of that chapter, it’s only been a physical consensual relationship with no strings attached. So it’s definitely NOT cheating. I have a strong feeling youve never been in a relationship or had never had sex with no strings attached before because you clearly don’t understand the logistics of this situation nor about dating and relationships. Param did not cheat. Period. You’re just upset he had sex with Taehyun (with good reason, I’ll admit cuz I’m upset too just like everyone else), but that doesn’t mean Param cheated. They’re literally not dating and Hwi didn’t actually confess his feelings yet. Which also means Param hasn’t accepted his confession that hasn’t been said yet. So by definition and by logic, Param hasn’t cheated. And from the translated chapters thus far, Param hasn’t lied to Hwi (yet). And just to clarify once again before you start saying incredibly illogical things again, I’m saying all of this based off of the translated English chapters, not the raws. So I kindly ask you not to spoil anything else please. After I send this, I’m muting this conversation cuz I wanna read my BL without any more interruptions so I ain’t going to see your response if you decide to after this. Have a good day/night. Param is still a victim. He didn’t cheat. Stop villainizing him. It’s complicated. Learn to be understanding before you speak your thoughts. <3

    iLikeMe19 January 9, 2021 6:35 am
    Okay, well I have patience and don’t look at the raws. I’m basing this off of the English translations that have currently been updated. I even took the time to look back and re-read. 1) Hwi did not confess... Perlita-chan

    Param is still a liar and unfaithful, no wonder why he looked so regretful. He knows what he did, sure I’m mad at him for being blinded by the dick. And I’m not talking about ch 40, I’m talking about the raws yes, I didn’t spoil all of it, just Param lying.
    Anyways okay bye.

Perlita-chan January 4, 2021 5:08 am


Perlita-chan January 1, 2021 8:02 am

I don’t like this one bit

Perlita-chan December 29, 2020 5:02 am

That was hot

Perlita-chan December 29, 2020 4:48 am

This is giving me PTSD from Unintentional Lovestory.... oh gosh... the pain.... I can feel the angst from miles away T—T they’ll fall so hard for each other and then get slapped on the face and everyone is going to be sad

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