abc123BL created a topic of Too Close
abc123BL created a topic of Too Close

Oh boy.. Ain't your man lol

abc123BL created a topic of Saha (Lee Uin)

Uh....? I don't understand the ending....

abc123BL created a topic of Social Temperature

Although you did a good job translating you should of asked the Original scan team permission to post..

abc123BL created a topic of Kiss me, Liar

Im still waiting or hoping this get pick back up however, if you guys can't wait and want to read decent translation you guys can search it up on Manhuascan.

abc123BL created a topic of Black Mirror

Ah..... The next few chapters gonna be ahh

abc123BL created a topic of Love Me Doctor!

Is water the new, "wanna come up for ramen?"

abc123BL created a topic of Black Lotus

I'm currently reading the novel and im brawling my eyes out

abc123BL created a topic of Black Lotus

Omg this is hurting me, fatal oxygen hurts me, silent lover hurts me. Toxic asshole semes

abc123BL created a topic of Unluckily Lucky

Wait wait... That it? I need extra chapters of them together

abc123BL created a topic of Friends at First

Oh man oh man oh man oh man

abc123BL created a topic of Mayday mayday mayday!

Lmfao ahhh the cringeeee ahhh well play sir.

abc123BL created a topic of One Step From The End

Ohhhhh Raphael you slick bastard... Lol

abc123BL created a topic of My Suha

End of spring? Soooooo June?

abc123BL created a topic of Sura's Lover

Anddddddddddddddd let the DRAMMA begin

abc123BL created a topic of Silent Lover

Wow daily update? Nice... Ah it still hurts ch 31-50 gonna hurt