abc123BL created a topic of Dine With a Vampire

Get ready... The next few chapters... Gonna?hurt

abc123BL created a topic of Rix Vanus
abc123BL created a topic of Silent Lover

Oh it's gonna get good guys. I "read" up to chapter 70 on YouTube.

abc123BL created a topic of Imperfect Pervert

Im about to go into the webtoon and fk someone uppp!

Aww his ex wife is so sweet

And I swear that bastard better not do anything.

abc123BL followed a goer
03 04,2021
abc123BL followed a goer

im still mentally ill

03 04,2021
abc123BL followed a goer


Just here to read and talk ^^

03 04,2021

@_@ great he's nice but idkkk i feel nervous for what mat come...

abc123BL created a topic of Love on My Terms
abc123BL created a topic of Cat in a Cardboard Box

Nooo nooo noo! I fking refuse!

Nice job but I don't think it's leopard spot, it's was something "asshole"

abc123BL created a topic of Siren's Song
abc123BL created a topic of Banana Scandal
abc123BL created a topic of Angel Buddy


If the comments below is true that the MC killed himself, the only way I can see this ending happily, that the MC became an angel himself.