22 y.o (gay) male. Still a virgin....well, I have a lot of sexual experience with my past boyfriend (let's just say I was exclusively the 'uke' lol). But I chose to refuse going all the way. To me, sex is a very special bonding between lovers. I'm choosing to wait until I feel in my heart and in my gut that this is the person I can completely lose ......
I'm trans man, 18 years old and I'm really ashamed of my body. I have a big wound of my past that I always carry. I'm afraid to love and that someone may toy with my feelings. Or someone loves me and I don't know how to respond, I'm pretty cold but it's because I don't know how to show my feelings without feeling embarrassment. Also the fact that n......
I am still a virgin too (and a girl). I am a pervert, i love seeing people having sex but i'm scared of sex. Imagine, you're naked and having someone touching, kissing and then penetrating your body. It scares me somehow. That's why eventhough i love men (and porn) but i don't want to go further to have a relationship with someone. I think i also h......
When did you first lose you virginity