The serialization of the manga "Marriage Toxin" written by Mr. Vein and drawn by Mizuki Yoda started...
- Author: Joumyaku
- Genres: Manga / Shounen / Violence / Action / Thriller Manga Action Thriller
Tsubaki Imai is the kind of quiet girl you'd never see in the center of attention. She doesn...
- Author: Chigo hitomi
- Genres: Shoujo / Romance
Gabimaru the Empty, a former ninja assassin known feared as a heartless husk of a man, spends his da...
- Author: Yuuji Kaku
- Genres: Supernatural / Action / Romance / Adventure / Shounen / Drama / Historical
It's stuck deep inside me and I can’t get it out of my head. Mafuyu's voice is an in...
- Author: kizu natsuki,Gusari
- Genres: Drama / Romance / Slice Of Life / Shounen Ai
A romance story set in the Meiji era about a young lady who, with only a short time left to live, de...
- Author: Tachibana oreco
- Genres: Drama / Historical / Josei / Mature / Romance
good storyline and mentally strong fl.
in this list, you'll see more of a 'mentally strong women', which means smart, cunning, calculative and quick wicked.
i hate it when a 30 yrs old woman gets reincarnated as a 5 yrs old and acts like a baby + extra hate when they have a fckn crush on a 5 yrs old boy so i'll try my best to not add those weird ass stories and instead add tolerable ones
i delete many of the stories i add later on if they become boring etc. even if they have a strong fl <3
- Author: Ikuyasu
- Genres: Yaoi / Adult / Mature / Smut / Comedy / Office Workers Comedy Office Workers
Frieren is a member of the hero's party that defeated the demon king. Both a magician and an elf, th...
- Author: Yamada kanehito,Abe tsukasa
- Genres: Adventure / Demons / Drama / Magic / Slice of life
- Author: Wang bora blue green
- Genres: Webtoons / Shoujo / Fantasy / Historical / Magic / Romance Webtoons Webtoons Fantasy Webtoons Historical Magic Romance
The series is about 23-year-old Canadian Scott Pilgrim, a slacker and part-time musician who lives i...
- Author: bryan lee o'malley
- Genres: Action / Comedy / Drama / Martial Arts / Romance / School Life / Shounen / Slice Of Life
Yuuji is a genius at track and field. But he has zero interest running around in circles, he's ...
- Author: Akutami Gege
- Genres: Supernatural / Action / Demons / Fantasy / Shounen
Aoki, a high school teacher, has motivation for little else than expending as little effort as possi...
- Author: Aga naomi,Oyoshikawa kyouko
- Genres: Yaoi / Psychological / Romance
I want an S-Rank skill too! I want it so badly, I could die for it![You have awakened an S-Rank skil...
- Author: Shin Noah , 신노아, Neida , 네이다,Bill K
- Genres: Webtoons / Action / Adventure / Comedy / Drama / Fantasy / Psychological
10 years ago, after “the Gate” that connected the real world with the monster world open...
- Author: Jang Sung-Lak,Gee So-Lyung
- Genres: Action / Adventure / Fantasy / Webtoons
A bitter love story depicting the realities of love between female college students who earn money b...
- Author: Wono hinao
- Genres: Drama / Romance
Hinata is full of enthusiasm for volleyball, and he's determined to become the ace of the volle...
- Author: furudate haruichi
- Genres: Shounen / Sports
We’re Lovesick Alley and we work on Shoujo/Josei manga. ( ´ ? `)?? ? Discord:
- Author: Satonaka mika
- Genres: Shoujo / Comedy / Romance / School Life / Slice of Life Comedy Romance School Life Slice of Life
Yuki Shirasaki finally lands a huge role in TV drama Afternoon Dreams after years of toiling in thea...
- Author: hiroko natsuno
- Genres: Drama / Romance / Yaoi
‘This is a development that I know of.’ The moment he thought that, the world had been d...
- Author: Sing-shong,Sleepy-c (redice studio)
- Genres: Action / Adventure / Fantasy / Webtoons
To what extent must a housekeeper do things to be acceptable? One of the noble families of England:...
- Author: yana toboso
- Genres: Comedy / Fantasy / Supernatural