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Its always interesting to see how timing plays a role in who someone falls in love with. For example, you meet someone you're 70% compatible with first, and you fall deeper and deeper in love until you love them completely. After this, you meet someone you're 100% compatible with and could fall in love with very easily and quickly but you've already fallen in love with your 70%. Therefore you're indifferent to this person. However, if you simultaneously meet your 70% and your 100%, you would fall for the 100% faster and your choice might change. Which is what seems to happen in a lot of these reincarnation manga where the prince originally ended up with "the heroine", and afterwards falls for the MC. In movies where someone is sad because "they got there first" but werent chosen in the end, usually you'd think "it doesnt matter who got there first" (ehh sometimes true sometimes not) or "you being there first doesnt entitle you to them" (very true). Being their first gives you a timing advantages, but if you're their 50% and the max percentage they could fall in love you (due to low compatibility or whatever) can only be 70%, if they later on meet their 80-100%, theyre very likely to fall for them, even if they 'stick with you' due to dedication and loyalty. Example, when the second male lead is the one who meet the female lead first, and then she meets the first male lead with like, even more chemistry, but in the end she chooses the 2nd male lead because even though their original compatibility wasn't as high, her "heart" has been dedicated to him earlier on and increased their love for each other enough that another more compatible person doesn't affect it. Which is why the term soulmates used to confuse me, since it makes it seem like they either arent the one or they are. Though i guess if you said fate was a part of it, you could say the optimal timing where they meet (like at a point where neither has already given away their heart and dedication or met someone more compatible) is predetermined. Would you "soulmate" be your 100%? Or could it happen to be your 70% because you meet them first? I.e. your sould mate is determined by more than just compatibility/*possibility of happily ever after* since there are multiple paths for those. But if you can potentially have happily ever after with multiple people, whats the point of a soul mate? The only way itd be relevant is if you could say ending up happily ever after with "the wrong person" upsets the cosmic balance or something. I guess reincarnation manga kinda makes the soulmate thing a moot point, since their "true love" can change if they meet a better compatibility earlier. Wait, actually, maybe the male leads originally end up with "the wrong one", so it upsets the cosmic balance, causes reincarnation or world-crossing or whatever. That'd be interesting
~Aromantic Analysis of Love" lol

Ok, ignore me. Im (probably) aromantic so ofc I made falling in love a fucking statistic lmao.
*Speaking of, I guess since aromantics exist, that means they're blind to compatibility...or their compatibility reader sets everyone to a really low percentage....like wearing an permanent set of sunglasses to block out the mushy-lovey-doveyness, hence the "love is unappealing to me" mindset