This is chaotic, the seme is crazy, I'm kinda into it...
-The seme being confused about how the uke is always scared in his presence....DUDE OFC HE'S SCARED OF YOUR PSYCHO ASS. 1st meeting: he was present as your goons beat the shit out of and killed some guy. 2nd Meeting: you stuffed him in a fucking trunk, blindfolded him, raised a gun to him, threatened his life to do money laundering for you. Recently: dragged him off as soon as you learnt he was gay to have sex, which was consensual, BUT when he tried to leave, he was caught by you and his goons. (This was the creepiest part for me. Like those movies where the girl meets and has a one night stand with a guy at his place, but when she tries to leave, the doors are all locked and she realizes he's trapped her inside with him indefinitely because he's loco). the look on his face as he was dragged back inside really settled the whole "psycho seme" debate. Finally: after telling him not to be scared of you, you yank off skin from his lip????? THATS NOT EVEN SEXY PSYCHONESS RIGHT THERE. Usually, its like.... a bloody kiss where the psycho seme bites the lip or the tongue to make them bleed, which can be kinda sexy depending on the mood and/or the kinky preference of the reader. But, I just spent 5 minutes trying to figure out if you really just pulled a piece of his lip or skin off. I guess if we went in a completely different direction, we could say at least the psycho is(edit: is not) being romanticized by making everything he does completely sexy, but that would be a lie, seeing as how he's fucking hot.
Random side note: I love how we just found out Chris is a police officer, but knows about his friend money laundering with the mafia. yet when he runs into his friend ready to murder his cousin, he goes from "im a cop. i can't watch you murder him" to "I'll murder him myself" LOL
i always find it interesting how the only problems that really affect rich people are mortality (heath and mental issues since they affect anyone, but rich people can easily get decent treatment if its treatable) and other rich people/family, as well as abuse. The kids have the fortune to be born rich, but its like there's almost always something wrong with the family dynamics. Of course, some rich people are perfectly happy because life doesn't have to be as dramatic as a novel.... but by other rich people, I mean a kid who has everything but shitty parents that are too obsessed with their wealth or too focused on keeping their wealth that they either completely ignore the kid or force the kid to live up to their standards so they can ensure the continuation of their wealth. So its usually a more strict, traditional family that wants you to marry someone of high standing, attend a school they choose, pursue the career that they did, which obviously breeds certain problems of individuality. then there's all that legitimacy stuff, where rich people like to get married and stay married for their image and whatnot, but if they fall out of love and cheat because theyre a total motherfucker, and the family knows, he/she now has a mistress/lover, and the family dynamic just got more fucked up. Again, the offspring is probably brought up seeing this and knowing this. Then, there's a "bastard child" between the father and mistress, and now we've got a plot from "Heirs". the kids would probably hate each other because of the moms even though its the dad who couldnt keep his dick in his pants (or vice versa), and battle for attention and right to inheritance. shit from a soap opera. it's like the rest of the world has certain problems that are solvable with money, but they don't have the money, so they spend their life on these basic issues of health, poverty, jobs, etc, so they don't have as much time for the soap opera shit, but rich people automatically have less of these problem, but, what? too much free time to create problems for themselves and those around them - because of course they could just be enjoying the money but that makes like too easy so fate throws more shit on their path.