Okay, so honestly, I loved this and its complexity, probably one of my top romance+psychological manhwa/webtoons, but Im ashamed to say that I don't want to read the last 50 or so chapters because I know Inho isn't going ro get what he deserves. I might have the worst case of second male lead syndrome ever, but even if he didn't win in terms of romance, I wanted something to be better for him, like a fix in his relationship with Jung (yeah that unrealistic of me) or at least him being part of her family because he needs that type of happiness in his life. I mean, I was pretty much team Jung when Inho came in, amd then even though Inho is a better person overall, there wasnt a team Inho because MC is really truw to her first option lmao. Rather than a #teamInho, its #justicForInho. But it looks like he and Jung can never get along, mostly because Jung is a jerk and psycho, and I can tell from comments that we don't get to see much of Inho's future or ending and thats just sad.

From my perspective i was always team jung, i don't think he is an angel he has his fair share of bad traits but i wouldn't say he is a jerk just like everyone else he has had experience in his life that caused him to turn out like this. In the last few chapters you get to see a bit of his vulnerable side.
If you want to know what happened to Ihno i can tell you. Spoilers
I haven't read this in awhile since i finished it when the author did but from
What i remember and from re reading
the last chapters he doesn't end up with seol but i think he is doing better, he left Seoul and went somewhere else and he got a job playing piano for people at a restaurant and he seems happy. His relationship with jung ends in a sought of fight.ヾ(❀╹◡╹)ノ~ hope that helps

Bro, okay, I wasn’t expecting that level of explicitness from the... butt-rape scene. Like, I don’t really care or mind gore but I was so surprised that I was like “AHH WHAT” and scrolled past it super quick. It’s usually one of those scenes where it fades to black. This guy is crazier than Dexter, but I still love him for it...I think... y’all he used a cross (/TДT)/ and went to 666. The dude is a murder genius and I’m like... scared but in awe

Can we just address the plot hole of the prince asking why she doesn’t like jewelry? Supposedly, she’s a dude. Why would a ‘lazy knight guy want jewelry? And he has no problem calling her Estella naturally and basically being cheesy and romantic. 60% sure he knows she’s a girl. Also, how do the maids hat help her dress not notice that she has boobs? She comes out in underwear...but I guess the underwear itself has padding to make it look like she has the boobs...hmmm

My overall view of the situation: Don’t lecture the victims about revenge when you don’t properly punish the criminals. It doesn’t make sense to tell people to believe in a broken system. Obviously, people have to take the law into their own hands, the law isn’t satisfactory.
I was slightly pissed at the “we have no right to judge what’s right and wrong” and “let the law handle it” aspect because it’s honestly ridiculous to say that in a situation where the law has obviously failed. Plenty of murderers and rapists are let go by a technicality but the only response is “the law’s the law” and they’re not punished until theiy’re caught doing it again. A father walks in on the abduction of his son, 3 high schoolers beating his middle school son and his friend and preparing to rape said friend, breaks an arm and beats in some faces. He goes to jail and the high schoolers?? Nothing. The high schoolers continue to be pieces of shit.
Also, it’s so weird to see how the bullying cycles. When someone realizes they’re the strongest and have an advantage, and if they’re twisted enough, they take advantage and become a bully. everyone besides their circle of fellow shit heads is a victim, but within that group are wannabe bullies, so even when the current bully is taken down, another arises. Technically, by that logic though, maybe there’s hope - if each succession of bullies continues to get weaker, then all that’s left are wannabe bullies that don’t have the muscle to actually be a bully. Anyway, the endless cycle of bullies somehow has an implication that interfering has no effect, which is terrible. It doesn’t mean it’s wrong to step up to bullies, it just shows that the system needs to be fixed.if the system stood up to bullies, you wouldn’t have to, and you wouldn’t be stuck in the cycle along with them...
Side note: it’s laughable that Mr. Ultimate Bully pulled the “pity me, I’m a victim card”. No, I can pity you, or the child you used to be, but I still chuckled when you fell off the rooftop and jumped out the window. And in this case, your childhood just made your craziness a ‘smoother’ transition.
Rant over lmao. I hate bullies
Damn, I actually feel kinda bad for the ML. His cute ego will be crushed soon