A teacher who doesn't do anything against bullies is just as much of a bully as the kids who do it..
"Homework" spelled backwards is "krowemoh" and in Latin translates to "child abuse". ʕTᴥTʔ
Things people do not choose: Sexual Orientation, Gender Identity, Appearance, Disability, Mental Illness, Race. Things people do choose: To be an asshole to people over things they cannot control.
My brother walked in on me once. And by that I mean he went and found my parents emergency spare key to my room and barged in demanding his turn with the modem. I spun around, cock in hand, and said, "Fuck off, I'm having a wank", and my dad shouted up the stairs, "Leave your brother alone when he's floggin' it". He never barged in on me again.
I was 13 when I first fapped. Dad stormed into my room to tell me that he hit two lotto numbers. When he saw me fapping,he stopped jumping like a mad man, looked me dead in the eye and said "Come down stairs when you're finished," with a completely straight face. I went downstairs expecting him to beat me down; instead, he told me about how his fat......
It’s OK to have them, just don’t shove them down people’s throats.
It's not phobia. You're not scared, you're an asshole. If homophobia was a legit fear of homosexuality: Gay: If you don't send me your best car then I will kiss THIS MAN IN FRONT OF YOUR HOUSE. Bi: If you don't take down this construction I will publicly walk around holding your daughter's hand while holding your son's hand. Ace: Fear me bitc......
It’s fine to have one. It’s fine to be proud of it. But please don’t whip it out in public and start waving it around.
You need to Adam and leave.