dannyistoogay created a topic of The Pawn's Revenge

How did i know? i saw the cover or whatever you wanna call it andliterally said to my self "is it gonna be like obet me or killing stalking? looks that way" and then i read what it has so far n' shit, i got it right

dannyistoogay asked a question

I'm gay and one of my now ex friends yelled at me for reading bl mangas instead of reading straight stuff or gl? While she had an entire account of shipping her straight male friends together and when myself and my boyfriend got together a few years ago she basically just yelled "i knew it" and then made me extremely dysphoric by asking my boyfriend if he's ever fucked me in my ... I don't even really feel bottom dysphoria but still, she reads BL manga and acts like they are the fucking bible, it's really fucking weird and she creeps me out sometimes, she treats me like i'm a weirdo for being gay but then when she sees two straight friends she acts like it really is a bl manga? Am i the asshole for not reading gl or straight mangas? As bad as some bls can be i still like the representation and i'd feel uncomfortable seeing romance mangas that often have sex in them including body parts that i'm not attracted to (there were some parts of the story that you didn't rly need to know but i used so you could get a grip on the type of person she is)

adding 2 things
1st thanks everyone for the kind comments
2nd i was 15 when she made the sex comment, i'm now 18, i wasn't even the legal consent age in my country (16) when she asked me that

dannyistoogay created a topic of Sugar Dog Life

I have autism and while reading this i had a lot of uncontrollable happy stims. So like.... JOB WELL DONE

dannyistoogay created a topic of Playboy Beast

Shame it's over but that was super cure

dannyistoogay created a topic of How to Snag an Alpha

i love how they didn't make him look super weirdly cute while he's crying his eyes out, they made him adorable but realistic with snot unlike a lot of other bl mangas

dannyistoogay created a topic of Not a Sugar Daddy

the uploader said it's just art from the author and that there are still chapters?? Maybe they are just behind on chapters that theyve uploaded so its not endimg yet? i cant tell idk

what y'all don't understand is that this is swt in pretty old times where it was acceptable for men to beat their family for no reason, plus back then when people had been born into power they'd think they are more than everyone else therefore they could abuse who they want, he does feel bad about the stuff he's done, it can be easily seen in some of the chapters. Many mangas set in this time would probably have a lot of abusive relationships for this exact reason. It's just realism as sad as it is

dannyistoogay created a topic of Kiss me, Liar

uploader, thanks but Orchid scans/ rainbow scans weren't informed on this, it's basic decency to ask uploaders if you can take over one of their projects first, they have a team working on the uploads and they are very good at it, they literally very recently got a dick redrawer because lightsabers were annoying, if they can do that they can handle a team working on currently i believe it is two projects going off of their website. so.

i feel like more people are focused on the fact the main dude is slightly toxic because of trauma (it is much more common than you'd think for people that were abused to become slightly abusive even if they despise it, especially men) than the fact he's being manipulated by the blonde haired guy? neither are really GOOD options but the black/blue haired dude (i can't tell) is the btter option of the two, for example, neither Trump nor Biden are perfect but i can tell you right now i'd prefer Biden over Trump even though i don't live in America, i have trans, gay and black friends that live in America and people are much more likely to attack them if trump is president and they are more likely to die since doctors can choose if they wanna perform surgeries or basic heakth care on them, this turned into a rant, sorry, but you get my point right?

dannyistoogay created a topic of Kiss me, Liar

does anyone kno why chapter 30 amd 31 were deleted after 31 was uploaded the other day? but now 30 is back?? was is bad translation or??

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dannyistoogay answered question about have an unpopular opinion
there is a difference between fetishizing gay relationships and trying to see all gay representation you physically can because there is so little (this game from a gay guy in a poly relationship with two guys)
dannyistoogay answered question about have an unpopular opinion
baras are fuckijg sexy, sorry not sorry (this came from a petite twink with a bara boyfriend and a bear boyfriend) (yes a poly relationship) unpopular opinion 2: poly relationships aren't wrong and aren't a kink, they are normal and shouldnbe acceoted just as any other relationship would be (aka how all straight, white relationships should be......
dannyistoogay like the answer
buff uke's are underrated ngl. i like buff uke's but not slim/small seme's, i just have a type i guess. like in legs that wont walk, both are buff and just yummy yummy
dannyistoogay answered question about have an unpopular opinion
if you have sexual thoughts about children as an adult but you refuse to act on those thoughts you can get help without being arrested but if you act on those thoughts you will be arrested and trust me, my uncle is a prison guard, prisoners do NOT like pedos, especially the ones with children. (the prisoners with children not the pedos with childre......
dannyistoogay answered question about have an unpopular opinion
yeah i've noticed jt too, if you want a pretty wholesome non rapey or abusive relationship in a bl manga you should read 'Kiraide Isasete' it brjngs a light to how real gay relationships are (apart from the fact its omegaverse and mpreg) but it has an alpha that actually holds back to protect his omega and shit, it's cute and short, it could be a g......

am... Am i the only one that likes the tattoo?

dannyistoogay answered question about read disturbing ero novel
A healthy sex life has proper communication on what makes you cum, if they cum before you it's easy to tell if they are a good partner, if they stop they aren't a god sex partner, if they continue until you cum they are a good sex partner, i'm a gay guy so my sex life is pretty easy but obviously i don't know about you
dannyistoogay already read

Pairing: Eren x Levi...

  • Author: Satoukibi (Ame Susu)
  • Genres: Adult / Doujinshi / Yaoi

It was a really interesting to read an omega verse story with an alpha going crazy due to their omega aborting their baby, it's super interesting but as someone with trauma i hate when omegaverse has normalised rape mentions (sorry for any bad English or spelling errors, English is my 4th language)