gyatterson high did ( All 1 )

applying edging to your life

gyatterson high's experience ( All 0 )

gyatterson high's answer ( All 39 )

about question
OVER A miD MANHWA   1 reply
27 days
No horror only oc   reply
28 days
about question
Theres only one person i like in that damn video   reply
28 11,2024
about question
27 11,2024
about question
Morrocan Rfissa   3 reply
23 11,2024

gyatterson high's question ( All 14 )

about question
Yall how long does it take to learn alight motion.. like simple transitions. Nothing too srs
5 days
about question
Maybe its js a me thing but whenever i post mine im scared that ppl will think its bad and tell me its good or idk its js embarrassing for me
28 days
about question
As the title says..
11 11,2024
about question
Vivinos you shall pay. For everyrhing . I did NOT sign uo for this . Anwyays whats yall thoughts.
25 10,2024
about question
did yall see the new leaks … why the FAWKK is it called the prophet????
05 10,2024

People are doing

want to do change something

i get why reincarnation/transmigration/regression troupes are so popular cuz same. i want a reset.

2 hours
want to do i'm looking for friends

i really want more friends tho i have social anxiety (;´д`)ゞ

3 hours
want to do change something

i want to change how i look, i want to change my whole personality to

3 hours