copied the spoilers from the forum
ml spoilers
apparently there is no ml so
father spoilers
the father wants to maintain his dumb neutrality shit soo
1) He sees the first wife getting harassed by second one, ignores her.
2) First wife is pregnant, seeing attitude of his, second wife and family tries to get her assassinated, he knows and still ignores
3) First wife in utter despair and her unborn child is dead, she contracts with demon to take her soul but make her child live, She dies, along with real cossette and demon takes on the baby form.
4) Abused keira whole childhood and treated her as an unwanted child
5) During whole cossette fiasco, He knew Keira was his real child, but he himself voted for her execution. Because all that mattered for him was his house having the great spirit and maintaing their status
6) Keira dies, spirit are angered, cossette reveals her true color and whole kingdom is destroyed
7) To save his own ass , he tries to reverse time using spirits power ( and thinks keira is revived as a side effect , not his intention)
ending spoilers
The story teased us with Keira along with her brother leaving the house wanting to cut ties and live independently, and every reader was happy. Then the author ended it with Keira coming back, saying I am home and that shitbag saying welcome home, thought you would be gone for a while, and she responded by This is my home in the end and I'll stay the winter
spoilers for turning back time
so the dad and the mage worked together to turn back time, and the dad chose for keira to keep her memories because i guess he felt bad? idk