how tf do ppl get on a gay porn website to talk ab morals nga shut ur goofy ahh tf up if u wan have a civil convo go to church bitch
there hope made u mad 1 reply
bye my tt acc been banned cuz ppl keep testing me but its only me that has to get banned LIFE IS UNFAIR but bs can twerk show their tits and no one bats an eye ughhh does anyone know how i can get that bitch acc back
what r some of the icks u get when reading bl and I mean obv beside the rape and the other morally wrong stuff I‘ll go first: when the damn uke doesn’t act his age. ts bros be pushing 30 and be acting like lil bihs. And the weirdest thing ? When they r side characters in the main story, they r usually mature and wise, but as soon as they get their own side story, all of a sudden ts bihs be acting dumb asf, doing immature things, whiny, overly feminine and overall js childish
nth pisses me more off on ts damn site than when bitches mute u on here its such a pussy move its crazy how u gon argue w me and then have the audacity to mute me ts actually sets me on rage be wishing the worst for ts ppl bcz i always have shi to say and suddenly I cant say nun and they keep replying
yk what i fk hate ab this damn site its the way yall get so defensive when smb rightfully insults the fan translation omg yall get so weirdly mad its so fk weird bcz like actually is it ever that deep. And u can always js see when fan translation are bad but god forbid u point out how bad it is and suggest them to take it down bcz then everyone is riding the translators dick talking ab make it urself, pay ur own money for it balbalablabalblabla pls for the love of god give it a rest yall aint special i am not giving money on this bullshit and connect w the real world while we’re at it