I love Djun, may she live happily and may her talent be recognised everywhere and bring her great fortune - 'cause I'm loving this so much I can barely breathe! I WISH there was some way of having this beautiful stories as a physical story that legally supports her!
Here: https://weibo.com/DJUNDRAM?is_hot=1
see the "male" symbol near the name? Yeah...
but like... how did they end up having sex in the first place? I'm confused o_O
That’s literally what I’m saying I can’t wrap my head around it. The author doesn’t even give an explanation. That’s why Fumi and Zono make no sense to me. There was literally nothing that brought them together just bam they’re sleeping together because Zono likes Fumi face? Fumi hasn’t even been properly rejected even so it’s not even self pity sex. It’s just seriously random fan service sex.