Where were you?
Good question! How do they expect for him to listen to them and do as they like when they don't even accept him, don't even talk and act and try to understand? The dad is silent and violent, the mother prioritises the dad over YuYang and is guilty by association, guilty by allowing it to happen. This dynamic is scarily accurate for so many people ...
I'm usually into rapey stuff but this didn't do it for me. It wasn't exactly romanticised but not NOT romanticised either, that doesn't even make sense but I dunno how to describe the feeling. It's weird, I don't like it. It's unsettling without the relief of it being some rapey-but-not-really eventually-becoming-wholesome fetishy shit. I don't like it when it teeters to far into psychological stuff, and it does that all while still somehow having a fetishy not-really-rape story line?? Makes me uncomfortable
that little brother has GOT to have some type of weakness that Soohwa, Gyoon and Yohan can use to stop him.
Might be a stretch but just... how about putting that mo****f*cker up in prison, you know? Not like it's legal for people to go around assaulting people in South Korea. Just gotta get the mum to stop protecting him financiall or legally or whatever it is that keeps him outta prison
I'm so happy how the story is moving along right now! There was a point a couple months ago where I almost gave up on this bc it was just dawdling along without getting anywhere (and I got a lot of downvotes for commenting that :D) but now that the story has picked up more I'm just in love with this story again. He Tian and Mo are my main ship, I can't WAIT for them to reunite! Little Mo is starting to realise he has the hots for He Tian I think!! I love cranky tsundere ukes like him.
I truly am Lihuan in this :D