Thank u for the update firstly. Secondly u can take longer to do translations and stuff we understand. Thirdly the translations this time was not the best but it was still readable thank u .

Kiritoprince created a topic of Struggle

Please report chapter 35 it was uplaoded without the translators permission and here on mangao and caly is already the uploader.

Kiritoprince created a topic of Red Candy

Guys can u please report chapter 53 , the original uplaoder( Cake) is considering dropping it for good!!! . Instructions how to report- there is a white flag on the left side of your screen press that and your should see the report option and repot the chapter for not being good which it is ie the quality is bad, it's blurry etc . Please if u guys dint want cake ti drop this manga please please report it

Kiritoprince created a topic of Keeper of the Pearl

When I saw the kid the black dragon dildo popped in my mind I feel bad lol

Kiritoprince created a topic of More and more

Thank u sweet scan , now found this manga and i love it . Thank u for uploading and keep up the amazing work

Kiritoprince created a topic of Red Candy

And the idiots yahwi say don't put a notice in he chapters because I get excited when I see the notification well that doesn't even work now ( and u guys wanna be hating on the ulalders for doing that shame on you ) .U guys see dont upalod over the upalder everywhere yet u still choose to upload. Go find a manga and hasn't been upalded in months not days MONTHS . THEN UPLOAD .

Kiritoprince created a topic of Red Candy

Guys I think the person who upaloded is a fake account. It has no reading manga or want want read manga when you go into their profile , guys keep on reporting chapter 53

Kiritoprince created a topic of Red Candy

Everyone please report chapter 53 because it was not upaloded by the current upaloder .

Kiritoprince created a topic of Red Candy

@Cake we'll understand 100 percent if u want to drop this manga because of this not nice peroson that upaloded over u . They had no right to but they still did and had the audacity to put a pic of an anime character at the end in an expression saying that they dint care basically . Thank u for your amazing work and the butch who uplaoded over them made a person waste their money and time in a sense and I hope u step on Legos.

Kiritoprince created a topic of Red Candy

This tired ass showgirl bitch that upaloder over cake fuck u . Delete your chapter immediately no body wantes it and nobody asked u to upload . STAY IN YOUR LANE , GO AND APPOLIGE TO THEM ON INSTA OR THIER MESSGAE BOARD . BICH BYE AND Hopr u step on Legos

Kiritoprince created a topic of Remarried Empress

Oooooo gurl navies gonna get what she deserves ( in a good way ) aka a loving husband

Kiritoprince created a topic of Whose Baby is it?

So can yiyi sue the old hag for his child ?

Kiritoprince created a topic of One of the Four

How much chapters does this have ?

Kiritoprince created a topic of 19 Days

Hiw come in chapter 140 it was all confess time and tears and stuff then I'm 144 it just played off as nothing happen like wtf? Can someone explain

Kiritoprince created a topic of Mayday mayday mayday!

Does this manga have an uploader ?

Kiritoprince created a topic of Angel Buddy

Why are they uplaoding over Cake it's not nice at all

Kiritoprince created a topic of Remarried Empress

Everyone from the notice we should be getting an update on Mondays okay . NO ONE UPLAODS OVER WINTER'S FRIEND

Kiritoprince created a topic of Dine With a Vampire