People are blaming heesoo because he said he was going to brag? Chowon kidnapped, drugged and was going to rape him, plus he broke into his house and was the reason he broke up with dojun.
low person because he reacted like any average human would? if it was me in that room with shown, I would have bolted the moment I saw him, heesoo even accepted his apology, that piece of shit chowon doesn't deserve forgiveness
low person because he reacted like any average human would? if it was me in that room with shown, I would have bolted the moment I saw him, heesoo even accepted his apology, that piece of shit chowon doesn't de... theotpsailor
when I first read this I thought "I wish I could find a boyfriend like Alex". I didn't find a boyfriend because we are separated by an ocean but I did find someone who is 6'5, has brown hair, blue eyes and a big dick that is attracted to me.
is he tian hot? yes absolutely. however he sexually harasses and just plain harasses little mo all the time. I don't even like mo but I feel bad for him
It was so cute that I didn't mind the incest