frabb created a topic of Eleceed

I actually like that Jiyoung struggled this time. She’s been pretty powerful since the beginning, a prodigy. I like that she had to surpass her limits and discovered how much stronger she can get and has to be.

Damm fuck Callisto became such a poet the last min of this chapter

frabb created a topic of Guiding Hazard

U can clearly see that he’s been thinking abt him all these years since his brooch is the same color as taegun’s eyes.

I wasn’t rlly feeling good abt the ML. First few chapters, he was alrdy “meh”, but when it was revealed he was mixing his drinks with sleeping pills and do that to him when he’s asleep—when he did that to him as a kid, and then kidnapping him, isolating him, that’s not good at all. The author could have made this better tbh, since the ml loves mc truly that he’s got so many plans for them to be able to be together, but those things he did was so bad.

frabb created a topic of Lost in the Cloud


frabb created a topic of Sleeping Dead

This is by far, one of the best and definitely sad. This is one of the stories that is stuck in my mind.

frabb created a topic of Yours to Claim

mmmm idk. The end is too happy. I kinda wish it ended like they are still working through the relationship bit by bit by bit. The whole thing was so messy, their relationship. It wasn’t rocky, it’s more than that. It’s hard to see them all forgiving remembering what happened before.

I think, if anyone could figure out something is weird whenever they are close to yvonne, shoukd be reynold. Since he kinda felt it himself when penelope walked out, his eyes suddenly changed. Also I wonder what will happen if yvonne is with kallisto, i kinda want to know if he’s also gonna fall for it or if his attention and eyes are all for penelope.

frabb created a topic of Nerd Project



Hold on— CARCEL??? CARCEL IS JUST PERFECT. IN EVERY LIFETIME. He is the standard and beyond it. Whatever this man does is just freaking pretty. He makes the background shine like ??? He can just stand there and I’ll not be able to breathe at all.

frabb created a topic of For My Abandoned Love

diana needs to fuck offffff :)) Why are u getting mad at your friend’s wife when he abruptly went to her and left u in the middle of conversation?? like girl u dont have the right.

frabb created a topic of Cry Me a River

bruh im waiting for the bodyguard:((

frabb created a topic of Eleceed

I love how everyone alrdy established the family tree, kayden and kartein being the parents and pluto being the uncle LMFAO and the old man being the grandpa this is just so funny, the accuracy is insane.

frabb created a topic of Guiding Hazard

I was like “damm, he’s that big” LMFAO

frabb created a topic of Rainbow City

I was gonna go to sleep but I stumbled upon this and just wow. This is actually pretty good!

frabb created a topic of Nerd Project

Luke is actually way prettier in the chapter where we’re reading Andrew’s POV? Luke is way clear and dazzling. I thought that was so clever :))

frabb created a topic of Eleceed

Jisuk looking up what dogs like for Pluton, he’s basically their treat supplier at this point. And is it just me, Kayden’s cat form is getting bigger ?? everytime the chapter ends where Jiwoo is stopping him from fighting, his size differs but not like small-big-small- i think he is actually growing bigger and it’s so cute!

frabb add manga to list list

"I’ve met you and my world and my heartbeat changed."The pure love story of a hearin...

  • Author: morishita suu
  • Genres: Shoujo / Drama / Romance

This us absolutely adorable!

frabb created a topic of Hirunaka No Ryuusei

I’m happy. I really liked how it ended. Sensei got attracted to her first before liking her, i think—at least what it seems to me when I read it. And the fact that he didn’t know that much about her while they’re dating, and then the fleeting guilt he has, I honestly predicted they will break up and I’m sorry but I’m glad they did. Mamura is such a good guy! He was there, all the time! He knows her more than anyone! I’m glad that she realized her feelings, all she needed was that closure cause it was painful for her, especially her first love. I started getting snnoyed when Sensei started meddling w their relationship cause bruh u need to calm down and let go right now. Great story, great ending!