Exhausted from the daily grind of life and work, Yoshino, a second-year working adult, finds herself...
- Author: Ameko
- Genres: Josei / Comedy / Office Workers / Slice of Life Comedy Office Workers Slice of Life
04 01,2024
Just doing my best trying to be helpful.
And professional edgelord.
Old. He/They.
I also have...TENTACLESSS
I am not a good person. Trying my best everyday to be, but still ain't.
(My usual long, detailed, descriptive bio was erased by mistake...ain't writing all that crap back lol)
*English is my 3rd language, sorry for any mistakes.
P.S.: If you are wondering, yes, I am that gerontophile weirdo.
~Hide your grans and gramps or I may just fuck 'em~
**No children**
03 10,2023