I_lovecatnoir asked a question

Omg yess I was so bored without this

I_lovecatnoir followed a list

-Child Protagonist  
-Family Life 
-Family Love
-Babysitter, Nanny 
-Adopted Child 
See the PART 2:https://www.mangago.me/home/mangalist/2791570/

23 02,2021
I_lovecatnoir followed a list
28 01,2021
I_lovecatnoir created a topic of Click

Am I the only one waiting for the mom to walk in

I_lovecatnoir asked a question

Ok I'm looking for something the last time I checked it had like 202 chapters ok so she sleep with this CEO guy and got pregnant so they got married and they actually fell in love she also had a twin but the twin died and she never even saw her also the last chapter I saw she was in labor but might die if she saves the baby because she was poisoned

I_lovecatnoir asked a question

It's called Shinjuu Suru hizo mattete ne but I can only find it in Spanish and I can only read a little please help me

I_lovecatnoir like the answer
Lol, ya think that's bad? When I was thirteen, I went to sleep in their bedroom cause mine was being remade. I slept on the other bed while my mom and dad slept in theirs. They knew I didn't fall asleep easily, and they knew I woke up easily. BUT THEY FUCKING DID IT. It was torture, I could hear everything. Worst 3 minutes of life
I_lovecatnoir created a topic of Turn Off the Camera!

Why they gotta leave us at cliffhangers( ̄へ ̄)

I_lovecatnoir created a topic of Miss Not-So Sidekick

I mean ik this was coming cause i read the raws but i screamed

I_lovecatnoir created a topic of Can’t Help It

Ok who else found this on tiktok