fuk da club up created a topic of Yours to Claim

i wipe my ass with this manhwa from how shitty it was

fuk da club up created a topic of Yours to Claim

how did yall make this story top 3 on the website ill never know

fuk da club up created a topic of Yours to Claim

I have been through hell and back (maybe not back) reading this for almost 4 years I’m just glad it over. Also can yawhi stans give a genuine reason why they stand behind him so much I would like to know

fuk da club up answered question about be controversial
fuk da club up answered question about play games
WHAT IF: we lock up everyone with a peanut allergy in jail, fill the airways with peanut butter and only feed them snickers?


fuk da club up answered question about question
Hachi from Nana, I use to dislike her a lot but then I realized if I were in some of her situations I would have done the same thing(s).
fuk da club up answered question about question
i hate this little beady eyed mf like just looking at him gives me the creeps I never like him, the way he went about getting in a relationship with that one guy was just wrong and weird BOOOOO
fuk da club up asked question about question

I been revisiting some stories and it always seems like the ukes start out looking appropriately aged, then down the line the author changes the artstyle and they become baby-fied in the end. Also seme's start looking way skinnier than they were in the beginning, thoughts?