"I don't like sasya" "I don't like Karel" BLADY BLADY BLAH! yes both of them have their weaknesses but that's what makes a relationship RIGHT? And neither of their weakness are unrealistic or to the point to where it makes the story unreadable.And some of them are important topics such as addiction. I swear some of yall just want this to be happiness and rainbows, but then you would say there is "no plot"
For 3 years I have been preaching to a fucking brick wall that yawhi is a disgusting rapist and cain should be endgame now I don't even care. Jooin should just make his oh-so-obvious decision and get this story over with. Also yawhis pity party isn't leading into some sort of "savior arc" like the author thinks it should it just making his character even more unlikable even through this man is already in hell in terms of likeability
how does one man let alone one big tiddied man fit inside a locker? what is this narnia?
I was wondering that too, like half of their bugdet must of went into having huge ass lockers