I swear that guy who was like “WeLl I diDnT TeChIcAlLy KiCk HiM” would probably strangle someone and say it was an accident and that the person put their throat in his hands.
"I swear that was what happened sir, they just tripped and flopped, falling perfectly with their throat in my hands while I was trying to catch them, I didn't choke them, I just acidentally put to much force trying to save them from falling on the hard floor, your have to believe me Officer."
"I swear that was what happened sir,they just tripped and flopped, falling perfectly with their throat in my hands while I was trying to catch them, I didn't choke them, I just acidentally put to much force try... ㅤㅤㅤㅤ
How did this go from a director who tasted sweetness from a boy to incest in a threesome-