Dr.Brat November 23, 2024 12:14 am

Is it bad that I'm enjoying his downfall? He needed to be humbled so I can imagine this spiral going on for a few chapters before Dan is brought back for some strange reason to help his sorry ass.

Dr.Brat November 21, 2024 8:29 pm

I usually get excited when side couples get their moment in the light but this is one side couple I'm not too crazy about. I'm curious about them yeah but they could hash their relationship out in a few short chapters tbh. I'm just ready to get back to Noah and Jean

Dr.Brat November 18, 2024 12:26 am

Garam is starting to seriously piss me off.

    Meow November 18, 2024 12:44 am

    Me when I’ve never been in a relationship

    Dr.Brat November 18, 2024 2:27 am

    The ones that disliked this comment I'm sure are condoning Garams behavior. He's in his own head and making up scenarios that haven't even happened then when his bf tried to tell him what actually happened he didn't want to hear it. Same as when Jk was upset about Garam not telling him how he feels about him bcz of the traumas from his ex... Garam wants his side heard and understood but fuck everyone else. That's not fair at all but think what you want ig.

    Meow November 18, 2024 3:16 am
    The ones that disliked this comment I'm sure are condoning Garams behavior. He's in his own head and making up scenarios that haven't even happened then when his bf tried to tell him what actually happened he d... Dr.Brat

    His bf has treated him awfully in the past + he was homophobic towards him . Do u think he’d trust him completely after everything he’s done?

    Dr.Brat November 18, 2024 5:08 pm
    His bf has treated him awfully in the past + he was homophobic towards him . Do u think he’d trust him completely after everything he’s done? Meow

    Then why date him in the first place? Me personally I'm not going to date someone I don't trust. Garam knew how the man was in the beginning so idk why everyone is acting like Garam is the unknowing victim when even after all the bad stuff that happened he forgot all the shitty things that man did to him and STILL decided to get into a freaking relationship with him bcz what? He drove him to the hospital to see his mother? Please.

    Meow November 18, 2024 9:39 pm
    Then why date him in the first place? Me personally I'm not going to date someone I don't trust. Garam knew how the man was in the beginning so idk why everyone is acting like Garam is the unknowing victim when... Dr.Brat

    Though that’s a good point, my point still stands . It’s not like he doesn’t 100% trust him, trust is earned! They still have a good relationship and obviously love eachother, it’s just the trust bit they struggle on

    Dr.Brat November 18, 2024 11:47 pm
    Though that’s a good point, my point still stands . It’s not like he doesn’t 100% trust him, trust is earned! They still have a good relationship and obviously love eachother, it’s just the trust bit th... Meow

    Understandable but let the man explain the bar situation so the trust can be built. Trust can't be built if there's no chances to build it. Garam is going to keep having these thoughts unless he lets Jk explain himself and give him the answers he's looking for. If he's not willing to listen why stay in the relationship? Just break up and leave each other alone. I don't think they love each other just yet if anything they have strong feelings towards one another because love would mean that they both are able to set aside their feelings to hear the other out.

    Meow November 18, 2024 11:56 pm
    Understandable but let the man explain the bar situation so the trust can be built. Trust can't be built if there's no chances to build it. Garam is going to keep having these thoughts unless he lets Jk explain... Dr.Brat

    Yeah I understand ^^ I just rlly dislike when ppl pit the blame on one person when a relationship is two ppl! Bad to Jk for treating him awfully in the past, bad to Garam for not letting him explain himself! ヽ(`Д´)ノ

Dr.Brat November 7, 2024 12:22 am

I get that they are monsters but I'm interested in knowing the reason behind it, that doesn't mean I justify everything they did but I'm curious.

Dr.Brat October 27, 2024 9:30 am

If you still have trauma from your past relationships that have yet to be resolved then you don't need to to be in a new relationship. No buts. Garam is still thinking back to his old relationship and is scared that the same thing might happen again and that's valid but he should also know what it feels like to be on the other side, to be the one who has laid his heart and feelings out for someone only for it to be left there without any form or reciprocation or acknowledgement.

Garam is saying that he wouldn't be having sex with him if he didn't like him but he forgets that they started being fuck buddies for the sole purpose of getting off and letting off steam. Jaehyuk is thinking that in between all that time after his confession nothing has really changed.

Garam better figure it out or he's going to end up in that apartment all alone.

Dr.Brat October 23, 2024 12:45 pm

See?! She has bigger fish to fry, while she's trying to play match maker her grandmother is walking around lost as hell. PRIORITIES!!! This chapter made my blood pressure go through the damn roof! If I was Ho I'd for sure be like "Worry about your grandmother and stay out of grown ADULT business" I'd make sure her dumbass had a reason not to like me. Ohhh let me get off here before I write a 10 page essay on why I wanna drag this fictional character lmao.

Dr.Brat October 21, 2024 9:05 pm

The worst kind of villain is a villain with a back story. I bet he started the research to help Gyor (However the hell you spell his name) become a dominant Alpha. I'm very interested in this backstory for this side couple. Such as understanding why Psyka did all of this destruction for "Science" I'm sure it runs deeper. Mino and Yiho will definitely be reunited, have sex, and live happily ever after blah blah blah. I'm ready for Psyka's story

    Zee October 22, 2024 2:21 pm

    Yessss! Ik we need to be mad at Psyka and curse him for all he’s worth but I’m sooo curious about him! And I honestly like antagonist u can feel bad for, I think it makes the story better.

    Dr.Brat October 23, 2024 5:31 am
    Yessss! Ik we need to be mad at Psyka and curse him for all he’s worth but I’m sooo curious about him! And I honestly like antagonist u can feel bad for, I think it makes the story better. Zee

    Exactly! I'm excited for his story!

Dr.Brat October 18, 2024 1:16 pm

Everyone trying to defend that girl can kick rocks. She's annoying as hell and needs to leave them alone. Someon said she doesn't see that because she lives in such a small village but has she also never seen happiness? Thes two were clearly happy and showing affection she just doesn't want him to be with a man. I'm sure she has problems of her own like which cow needs to be milked

    Caliope October 18, 2024 1:41 pm

    Istg !!!!

    h19rny October 18, 2024 4:48 pm

    whos defending her?

    b1tch1ng October 18, 2024 7:09 pm
    whos defending her? h19rny

    When the last chapter came out, it was all the comments justifying her behavior for whatever made up reason they thought made what she’s doing okay.

    h19rny October 25, 2024 7:20 pm
    When the last chapter came out, it was all the comments justifying her behavior for whatever made up reason they thought made what she’s doing okay. b1tch1ng

    ohhhh okay thank you

Dr.Brat October 13, 2024 11:08 am

Too many guys with the same freaking hair color. Idk who any is anymore because everyone either has brown or black hair and they all look alike. I give up. If it's not Daiki, his lover (can't remember his name), or Toma, then idk who they are

    Cherryluv October 14, 2024 12:42 pm

    The one that looks like Daiki is his cousin, Taichi's brother. The difference is his hair is down. The one that look like Min Joon, Daiki's lover, is his second brother, to tell the difference is he had shorter hair and taller than minjoon, his name is Hyeok. The other one with black hair and slanted eyes that sit besides Hyeok is Minjoon's first brother. I forgot his name. The one with line in his face and slanted eyes and haired up is Sho, Daiki's uncle. The bald one is called Ren, Daiki personal bodyguard. There are also the tan big guy who are always wearing glasses, that's Minjoon and Toma's personal bodyguard. That is also the guy who is always wearing glasses, he is more or so Toma teacher but now like a babysitter, his name is Kenta.

Dr.Brat September 20, 2024 6:38 am

I'm convinced this author doesn't want us to be happy. I'll be back when someone posts the ending on social media I can't do this anymore

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