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Nik created a topic of My Little Inferno

Undoubtedly their first sexual encounter experience O_O and I think we’d all be better off if it didn’t occur, but besides that, I think the story is nigh impeccable.
Altho I was tryna convince myself I would be okay if Ma ended up w Tatsumi, I just don’t feel like they would’ve been that good for each other. Like Ma literally said—he was getting tired of that lifestyle. Tatsumi wanted to take over the damn world and Ma just wanted to chill. So *shrugs*
And Ma’s dynamic with Hitoshi was really cute and unique. I love the fact that neither of them were all that affectionate w each other, but they had their own over the top way of showing that they did care about one another. It was weird. But it was cute <3 and refreshing. You don’t get to see many relationship dynamics that’re that unique, I feel
The whole criminal-hacking thing was really cool, and it was fun to see an mc who wasn’t just 100% good (but still lovable) for once, and yeah, the “sex” was kinda weird, but it’ll improve as they spend more time together lol

Nik created a topic of Katsubou no Manazashi

I legit skipped to the end of the first story (and I’ve never done that before!!) because I knew how it was gonna end and I didn’t wanna waste my energy reading it considering how it was gonna end. But the second story was so cute :’3 like oml SO cute. The first one still makes me wanna commit die tho

Nik created a topic of Smells Like Green Spirit

Stop sympathizing with pedophiles <3 they’re nothing like us <3 our partners can consent—their’s cannot <3 so what they’re doing is a disgusting crime, and they’re right to be shunned by society <3 ty, that is all

Nik created a topic of Smells Like Green Spirit

Holy shit I just figured out why Mishima and Kirino never spoke again after he went to see his mom. Wow, even as he was going off to to such a tragic end he was wishing Mishima well......omg I’m such a wreck. TT_TT </3 he really deserved the best and got the fucking worst, huh? Wow.

Nik created a topic of Kokoro O Korosu Houhou

So.....sigh, where do I begin. Let’s start with the end shall we?
I hate that ending TT~TT I hate how the abuse victims in yaoi are never allowed to find proper happiness with someone who’s good for them. They always have to fall for their abuser. I’ve only seen this not happen ONCE in my entire experience on platform.
O N C E.
Also, a part of me does pity Hikaru bcuz he is also a victim, but the rest of me wants him to respectfully build a bridge and jump off of it >//w//< did you see the face he was giving Hanabura at the end of the story?? He hasn’t changed one fucking bit. So it’s honestly sad and sick to see a brat like him get what he wants instead of just getting proper help.
At the time of reading I was so bitter when Hanabura was talking to that cute girl, but now I honestly hopes he gets w her and lives happily ever after TT_TT he deserves the world.
And Suzuki is best girl even tho she’s the only good girl in that story <3
Also.......their names XD lmao wtf
The suspense was rlly rlly good, but that end just made the whole shit fall flat on it it’s face for me ngl ;w;

Nik created a topic of Make Me Bark

Bruh, when it started and Hyo-in was like “he looks like a dog......I wanna fuck him” and Sungjoon was like “he acts like a child.........I wanna fuck him” I was so concerned

Nik like the answer
I've pretty much adjusted to mangago getting shut down but I still won't be able to live happily without it. I mean, we are using an illegal site so yeah... BTW THANK YOU
Nik like topic of Princess Top

Y’all rlly need to stop slut shaming X_X know it’s totally okay to enjoy sex, right? I personally didn’t like the second story because of the way Shota seemed like he was forcing Shiichiro (hope that’s right) to engage in his kinks and threatened to cheat on him if he didn’t. If you’re really kinky but your partner is not, you should not force them into anything and you DEFINITELY SHOULDN’T THREATEN TO CHEAT ON THEM. That is deplorable as fuck. But shaming people for doing as they please with their body and their time is just as deplorable, so as much as you didn’t like the second story and Shota, please don’t blame it on his promiscuity. Also, everyone is entitled to their opinions, so please don’t attack each other ( ̄∇ ̄")at the end of the day, it’s literally just fucking porn.

Nik created a topic of Princess Top

Y’all rlly need to stop slut shaming X_X know it’s totally okay to enjoy sex, right? I personally didn’t like the second story because of the way Shota seemed like he was forcing Shiichiro (hope that’s right) to engage in his kinks and threatened to cheat on him if he didn’t. If you’re really kinky but your partner is not, you should not force them into anything and you DEFINITELY SHOULDN’T THREATEN TO CHEAT ON THEM. That is deplorable as fuck. But shaming people for doing as they please with their body and their time is just as deplorable, so as much as you didn’t like the second story and Shota, please don’t blame it on his promiscuity. Also, everyone is entitled to their opinions, so please don’t attack each other ( ̄∇ ̄")at the end of the day, it’s literally just fucking porn.

I was gonna give it a three out of five because although the humor, romance, and characters were mostly impeccable, I was uncomfortable by how heavily sexual assault was featured as a plot device, but never really treated with the severity that that subject demands. However, the last story was so fucking cute that I’d feel wrong to give it anything less than a four XwX but it didn’t feel complete?? Like, it certainly said “end”, but it definitely wasn’t lol. Read another comment that the continuation was called “Itsuka Kimi ni Korosareru”, but I’m not sure when next they’ll update the story :’3 guess we’ll just have to wait and see <3

Nik created a topic of Love Neko

At first I thought they referred to characters as “kid” as a sort of general term (ie, I even call people who are older than “kid” at times) but in hindsight, I think if all of those boys were human they’d be underage. Gross. But does it count since they’re not human?? Idk, but that’s still kinda icky to me

Nik created a topic of Kimi no Shiranai XX

It’s not romantic, and this is unrealistic lol. Even if u did like the person, if they fkin raped u, u would not be so cool w it lol