cherryspit_ created a topic of Seven-sex eight-sex

PLEASE SIR do not willy nilly shove things into ppl’s assholes

does anyone have the link to the raws??

cherryspit_ created a topic of Kiss me, Liar

I know he lost his memory but that whole divorce/custody thing was such a REACH, even had me do a double take like???

cherryspit_ created a topic of Involuntary Romance

I wish he would stop caring about his friends feelings for a minute and start caring about his own.

cherryspit_ created a topic of Negative Love

I get lost in his face then I remember he’s fucking insane but still…prettyyyy

ahaaa I was kind of pissed when ash was like “what did I do?” because do you not recall saying… “we’re nothing” and when he said he heard you, you once again reiterated the fact that you said that…why wouldn’t he end things like?? then you get angry even though you yourself said that you’re nothing so? don’t get me wrong I don’t hate ash but I dislike his whole what did I do?? Innocent common theme behavior…he’s beautiful but sometimes you just want to punch him in the throat. also I think I’m slightly overprotective towards lyle because there wasn’t a second that went by where I didn’t think he was absolutely adorable sweet as pie god he gave me so many toothaches (in a good way)…not looking forward to the side stories because of various spoilers and I really think ash just gets by with his behavior too often and lyle lets it slide because he loves him hmmph!

cherryspit_ created a topic of Can't Think Straight

no….no we can’t. fuck all the way off.

cherryspit_ created a topic of The Lewd Oppa nextdoor

we made the same face as she said that…

98% of the stuff that happened was homin’s fault but somehow it kept getting flipped over on hyesung…I genuinely felt bad for him. your friend that you really love cuts off all contact, moves away, changes his number, & when you confront him in person he pretends not to know you. you finally confess your love and sleep together and right after that he fucks someone else. you’re finally in a relationship but he wants to hide it. he can get jealous of you talking to a woman and making friends in college but when you get angry that he introduces you to a man who he says “is one of the most important people” to him and he ends up just being some guy he fucked all of a sudden you telling him to cut off contact with him is “too much”…homin actually really fucking sucks

I want them to make all the tops squirt, that or a good nosebleed during sex scene PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE

cherryspit_ created a topic of Lucky Paradise

I was so prepared for this to be a chapter about woojin…

kouya…come home the children miss u

cherryspit_ created a topic of Guiding Hazard

every time I think about his ex I want to barf

cherryspit_ created a topic of Scammed and Rammed

this one is gonna hurt I can tell waaaah

childhood friend or not slit that bitches throat…

I’m kind of disappointed that they didn’t get together in high school, but there’s always someone who’s too scared to be true to themselves until it’s too late, he wanted him when he discovered he could be with a man but he never had the courage to try when it was unknown

cherryspit_ created a topic of No Returns After Use

I don’t condone cheating at all, but they aren’t even dating that guy doesn’t want to date him he just wants to own him, after getting a sneak peek at the raws this guy…ugh

cherryspit_ created a topic of Senza Replica

does anyone know what chapter this is in the novel and do you have a link to the novel??

when she said no one cared about her…girl no someone does and he’s fucking hot & pays special attention to you, but you’d rather take shit from the ugliest fucking thing ever (can’t bring myself to call that thing a person) like please just let that hottie take care of you