TJ and Ian deserve each other, they’re both problematic and they have no business dragging innocent people in their shits.
I’m a red flag enjoyer as much as the next person there is. But damn Jo! You got a bright future ahead of you and I just know that the next season would compromise that future. We can see progress in Ian seeing Jo as Jo in the recent chapters but I just know that its because TJ’s not in the picture. So frustrating. If I were Jo, I can’t be bothered to unpack that whole ass history of Ian and TJ, I’d let them be and go my merry way. Hope Jo finds happiness he deserves(preferably without Ian), hope he never gets to use the gun he bought from his parents house.
This was a roller coaster and I’ve binged read this for 3 hours, fuck my life. Hell as good story but its infuriating.
Though I can say that they do deserve each other. I just hate that it took that long for uke to fucking grow up. Seme also too good for him but what can I say, he fell first and I know how first love makes your world revolve around one person and that sucks.
Relatable characters where you can’t help but worry and feel their traumas are the best. This was one hell of a roller coaster ride and I loved every second of it!! Excellently written characters are just chef’s kiss. Looking forward to the author’s next works
Author-nim!!!!! I don’t mind you edging us for this long but come on!! Give us some sex scenes pleeaaaseeee
Keeping your fetishes private and let only few people know about it. Fetishes are somewhat one of those topics you talk about for laughs over drinks but I've decided to keep mine to myself because I wouldve been okay if I was just laughed at but was labelled creepy instead. Contrary to the uke's, for me its that urge to eat someone, dominate them, bite them and lick them all over. And yes its weird and creepy but I wouldnt force someone to do it!! Sex has to be consensual especially in the world of fetish so no need for harsh words(Sa gwapo kong to?? Hahahahhahahahhaha). But lucky top to meet someone, and this was definitely a good read.
I wish you all the best and happiness you can get in a lifetime, may you two beatiful souls live a long and a life full of love!! Im crying!!
Ive had once had a crush on my dentist, he wasnt that old or young prolly around early 30s or late 20s and I just turned 20 that time, he's gay for sure and I was closeted. I visit him once a month for my braces adjustments then one time I walked in on him and his assistant kissing, then shit. Hahahahahahha it was so awkward but, I hope both of them are doing well(If theyre dating that is)
S2 is hot on another level. Gahahahah That meme showing a girl hating on Taehwan then proceeds on biting her laptop was golden! Tysm uploader(s)!!!
You guys are ungrateful tweebs!! You dont deserve free stuff!! Instead of being thankful to the translators for the free chapters AND DAILY UPDATES, you really go yappin hate??? Humble yourselves!!! You should get outta mangago, youre the ones making this community bad. Grrrrr >:(