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AlienSushi(2) February 1, 2025 12:08 am


AlienSushi(2) January 21, 2025 12:53 pm

TJ and Ian deserve each other, they’re both problematic and they have no business dragging innocent people in their shits.

I’m a red flag enjoyer as much as the next person there is. But damn Jo! You got a bright future ahead of you and I just know that the next season would compromise that future. We can see progress in Ian seeing Jo as Jo in the recent chapters but I just know that its because TJ’s not in the picture. So frustrating. If I were Jo, I can’t be bothered to unpack that whole ass history of Ian and TJ, I’d let them be and go my merry way. Hope Jo finds happiness he deserves(preferably without Ian), hope he never gets to use the gun he bought from his parents house.

This was a roller coaster and I’ve binged read this for 3 hours, fuck my life. Hell as good story but its infuriating.

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