in chapter 50 , he can’t get their couple rings at the end bcs of some occasion n he bought something looks like a ring instead ?! right?! so is it the fckin thing that jiho buy is condom??? HAHAHAH someone pls explain im confused am i wrong lmao?its more confusing cs the progress r so slow they can’t even barely kiss tf HAHA need a lot of patience while reading..,lol there’s always things that keep them away frm being lovey dovey

im so scared that harry could have a feelings towards ember but im glad he’s with megan tho , seriously lol no love triangle HAHA im glad cause lately , i really am done with second lead things lmao , they are 4lifers bestie HAHAH i love them all sm n i love the way it’s so fun to read thankyou author for the good work
this combo is not really my cup of tea but we all have our own preference, anyways i wish to you see the top to switch because i think he would look even hotter as a bottom