I want Ul with her and it looks like his undercover assistant is trying to get them together and has memories

So you're telling me ume is the legitimate wife and now a housekeeper. Naaaaah the disrespect. I feel bad for her because I get she was fine with him being with another woman but I don't think she was ready for him to have a full blown happy family without her and now a divorce. That's just sad.

Honestly at chapter 13 and can I just say she should've gone with tatsumi. I'm super disappointed with ml

She's annoying. What do you mean fall out of love. Someone mentioned a time skip, I think I'm ready for it too. Hopefully there would some development

Honestly I know it's not gonna happen but it would nice if it was the love of a father to his daughter that would save her In the end

Real talk I'm upset Isaac died. Konoha and ginorford and sol can go somewhere else. No lie it's just sad so basically for konoha she's living a miserable life can't change a thing otherwise everyone she cares about will die. I like Isaac and Iana together not sol. Isaac truly cared for her and didn't doubt her and sided with her without question but everyone else questioned her. No lie if konoha loves her the most as she said then why did she let everyone speak rubbish about her. Why didn't she hold her ground more strongly. I hope she dumps ginofords ass though if she really loves her sister since he wants to kill her.

Oh my gosh jayu and russian guy who's name I don't remember is so cuuuute. I love their friendship. You can see the struggle for him so bad with his anxiety is sad but it's nice the jayu is helping him. Honestly please don't get in the way jahyoak and other female friend. Because if they do he'll run away again and its just sad with his anxiety

Kawaiineko❤namjoon created a topic of Regas

This is actually what they're doing to the Abel and the kid. The kids only person who care for him is going. It's sad to read. I might let it be fore a few chapters then read it at once. Hopefully it will feel less sad.

Feel bad for the pregnant wife. The husband has no right to be like did you do something to my wife. Lmao. Where was that when you were shagging someone else and feeling all depressed when you broke up and went to wife crying about you subordinate leaving.

I don't get it, why is upset again. I swear anything he does anything she gets upset. What is the point. Should he just sit at home and not do anything. Just sit still then she won't have anything to complain about.

Finally there's years later that misunderstanding is cleared

Kawaiineko❤namjoon created a topic of Regas

Nahhhhh I know what's gonna happen but still naaaaah how can you do that to abel man.