Allendis was totally giving off the psycho vibes but I was hoping he would keep it in check!! ughhhh!! I really loved him! Sort of... Now he's gonna be crazy boooo :( Like I know he's got some childhood trauma that lead to this but come on... Get it together Allendis, BE LIKE CARSTEIN! CARSTEIN KNOWS HOW TO KEEP HIS SH!T TOGETHER ヽ(`Д´)ノ

Haha yeah right! I'm team Allendis. Get it together. If the Prince can get a character development as time goes by let's hope Allendis can get for the better too!!!
Allendis don't hurt Tia and betray her trust anymore!!! Just stay by her side no matter what like a loyal knight just like what you vowed to her!!!

Pft, for those who doesn't like our Allendis cuz he's a psycho so what? We love him. Guess we're a psycho too huh? Well I'll admit I've got a pretty twisted personality too. Anyway there's so many manhwas, mangas, and manhua whose MC are psychotic, and that's what made the story pretty twisted. It's in the trend too, so why not our Allendis can't be the one of MCs? He can have a character development for the betterment too, as the story goes by.

Hehe yeah maybe a little!~ At least you seem to have a valid reason... I wouldn't really call myself twisted... There's just something about the rush of loving a possibly dangerous or mean character for me? ヾ(☆▽☆) Maybe I'm an M... Lol! Right I agree! Especially with the chapter that just came out!! He's adorable!!! Give him some love!

But Im really kind of disappointment to the author.. Why does it have to be the Prince and Tia till the end?
Is it because the author just really love the Prince as the Mc thats why she's biased ?
Or just planning to give him the MC a character development for good? If so, then why cant Allendis be the MC whose psychotic but tamed by Tia?
Whats the point of bringing back Ji Eun as a blessed child then? Whats the point of Tia's reincarnation thru time travel to change her so called fate?

Yeah the Prince was probably always the intended "end game" from the start and the other boys just false capture targets.... Sucks to think that no matter what they do they'll never end up with Tia.
Yeah....... I guess because of how she's acting towards him now it changes her fate or whatever....¬_¬ Which leads to the prince not growing up and hating her because it seems like he's always had some sorta feeling for her? And Allendis probably will either get tamed or snap.... Maybe the author will end up making him unforgivable so we have no choice but to like the prince.... I hope that's not the case!!!! I don't get why she can't end up with him when she's trying so hard to go against her fate... ヽ(`Д´)ノ
Who even knows what will happen with Ji Eun... Maybe the prince won't end up falling for her? And then, therefore, Tia would have successfully "changed her fate". Either way, until then I am here for fore Tia x Allendis scenes, even if his flag is going to be shot down eventually.... T_T
Doesn't that extra in the back look like Arwin from Miss Not-So-Sidekick??