i saw this once on twitter and was obsessed on finding it (gave up after 10 searches) but daaaaamn so glad i eventually found it and a cute ending

I saw it on tiktok but the creator had turned odd the comments so i couldn't ask anybody the title, they also hadn't put the name in the caption too and no hashtag...so i tried to save the photo but i couldn't cuz i think they didn't allow it or smth, well but i took a ss and searched it on Google and finally found the name...for what? For just a fcking oneshot????? I think i deserve moreee

i understand yall but u guys do know what trauma is and how it affects a person right?

I agree!! I just find it frustrating that from his close friends to a random person from work(director)..
These people are professing that Minhyung is unsettling and weird.. at least that should warrant a chance to verify those claims? But no he refuses to acknowledge them.. I think it shows that he may want the problem to just magically “disappear” and for their relationship to stay the same..
He’s written to be so frustratingly near sighted regardless of trauma impacting him or not..

There’s a difference between trauma and willing ignorance. Especially when you have EVERY SINGLE PERSON (aside from your abuser) tell you that your relationship with your ‘brother’ (abuser) is mad weird. Everywhere the MC looks, someone is warning him about it, and even then he still refuses to even give it some thought.
It’s honestly unrealistic. Because even a heavily traumatized person could at least wonder about and acknowledge a fact, they’re not stupid.

idk i kinda disagress with you guys. mc thought of this guy as his literal only family member left after his parents died and his lover too and had instances where the white dude was close to it (i assume). serious abandonment issues. he wont listen to some friends or strangers bc thats all they are to him, he isnt close to any of them (thanks to white guy's gaslighting and manipulation "you only need me hyung") hes genuinely fucked up in the head like mentally unwell sad, he relies on white guy for the familiar emotional support and he is the ONLY emotional support he has (again the friends and director are just friends and director to him. hes been isolated from them and its HEAVILY implied in the story)
also no way this is unrealistic, are u kidding? he is 'stupid' bc hes being manipulated so much he looking at the world through rose colored glasses the white guy GAVE HIM

Yes he’s totally frustrating for us as readers, but he only knows what he knows. Cut out all the information from other scenes for our benefit and we’d probably be on the fence about M. Plus Y would have to accept some horrible possibilities that are beyond his imagination if he clues in to M’s psychotic side … so I think he’s doing the best he can as a guy who can only see M as an innocent kid who needs to be protected sort of thing ┑( ̄Д  ̄)┍

No im not kidding lmao. It IS unrealistic because even though he is isolated and manipulated, he has his own thoughts that cannot be fully controlled by his abuser (unless mc tells him what he’s thinking). Its the fact that the author chose to have the MC behave like some brainless, thoughtless, dude that genuinely doesn’t question anything anyone else does that gives off bad writing and plot armor for the abuser.
it’s really the lack of influence the other characters make in the MC’s life that makes it all so infuriating because it’s contradictory. MC is very clearly insecure about being alone, and yet doesn’t see that any time he tries to branch out his social circle there’s always his “hyung” there to stop him from doing so. Yes I KNOW he’s being manipulated, but that shouldn’t stop the MC from thinking “what’s wrong with having someone else in my life?” ESPECIALLY when he HAS questioned why his past friendships deteriorated as time went by.
It’s clear that he knows having more people around would “fix” things, and yet when his abuser comes in and ruins his attempts at getting that, MC STILL doesn’t see a problem?
It’s dumb. And I’m not saying the MC need to be having this revelation and getting mad and confrontational about it, I’m just saying he should AT LEAST be thinking about the possibility that the closest person he has MIGHT just be a problem to getting what he really wants.

that is just not true. trauma is an extremely strong thing. maybe you think you would start questioning things but that’s just not how that works for everybody. mc could watch him kill somebody and his brain could immediately start convincing him that it was an accident or he deserved it out just block out the situation completely. it’s very realistic for mc to act the way he is for how messed up he is.

my guy, u sound too non sensical of the mc's situation and kinda missed the whole story here... sure mc is capable of thinking of himself (we saw that here that he wanted to get to know the director more despite being told no) but he really really really is a disturbed individual who witnessed loved ones leaving him, so any victim of that trauma (now im just guessing here) isnt one to open up to socially towards friends and colleagues. and im pretty sure the old friend is just a friend who isn't, or not anymore, close. thats something called commitment issues, i heard. very popular with traumatized ppl, im afraid.
and i didnt add it in my reply but, mc has a sense of responsibility of white dude. because ofc he would, he practically raised him (in the 1st chapter) he couldnt just leave the only loved one left when again HIS WHOLE FAMILY DIED. he wants what is best for white guy, bc thats what guardians do im afraid, so add FAMILY TRAUMA and ABANDONMENT ISSUES onto that, i guess he cant just go up and about leaving him and be selfish and everything. i really dont know what else to point out, search up survivor's guilt or something?
his trauma made him be a selfless, caring guardian who only cares about his remaining loved one and is unaware of the great danger he is in because hes literally JUST doing his JOB and ROLE. ITS NEVER HIS FAULT? he lost his sense of INDIVIDUALITY bc of that TRAUMA. and that white guy has been taking advantage of that.
MC NEVER EVEN WENT TO THERAPY?? seriously, overall, u literally need to broaden ur idea of trauma bc if thats ur only idea of it, the world WOULD be so better if it's that easy to get over it.

I didn’t miss anything, my guy. I’m just pointing out that regardless of trauma the Mc is an adult with a brain, even if it’s really messed up.
Again, no one is saying he should be selfish and confrontational about his mistreatment because obviously we’re not at that point yet. But I think it’s absurd he hasn’t even begun to feel a shred of doubt about his relationship with the other dude, even when we consider his trauma. I’m not sure why you’re acting like I’m asking for heaven to be seen lmao.

i hope that you can handle whatever trauma may come your way with critical thinking skills. but you clearly underestimate trauma and refuse to recognize that everybody is affected differently regardless of age. the author writes him this way bc that’s how some people in the real world actually act. i recommend doing some research before commenting on something you clearly know nothing about.

its... literally my comment that you've been replying on? I've just been defending my opinion, i think i could freely join in whenever i want. big talk about desperate the way ur still in my replies trying to win over some mangago argument tho,, lol. but i get it, debating is fun even if u think you're in the wrong
still, there would be no shame for u to just up and beat it kid, which u probably are or maybe childish? naive? ion kno, u clearly couldn't hav just accepted someone's opinion and instead get mad that we think ur wrong haha. sorry for whatever u felt bc of that, but really either broaden ur genre/reading preferences or feel curious enough to research more about trauma u learn new everyday

LMAO I have done research that’s exactly why I’m saying this. Y’all are a perfect example of enablers of learned helplessness. This exactly why traumatized people find it so difficult to pick themselves up even though that’s the first step of recovery.
Also, I hope you’re not as insolent as you just were to me— talking about my life as if you know who I am. This is a manga go comment section, act like it instead of trying to tell other people how their life is lmao

enablers insane comment and bold assumption. i also didn’t really say much about your life? i made a truthful statement about how trauma effects real life people and you refused to understand even when i tried to explain better. it was a fairly safe assumption that you haven’t been through something of that magnitude. but my bad for trying to tell you how your life is lmfaoo??? if you don’t get it atp you just don’t get it idk what to tell you.

Idk how many of you read raws, but his stupidity is not normal. You keep repeating here that this is his only family and he is someone who raised him. Idk about you, but I can't imagine being repeatedly sexually assaulted by a FAMILY MEMBER and thinking that's normal. Like - would you fuck your younger brother if he came up to you and said he wants to??? After all, this is the most NOT thing in a family, this is a completely basic instinct, you cannot say that it is a trauma lol

the story is literally about a “family member” being obsessively in love with the person who raised him and he’s not traumatized. why is it unbelievable that somebody who is traumatized about losing their partner would basically make excuses and try to normalize the behavior of their only loved one left as to not lose him. he is literally not right in the head.

This story is about a psychopath who literally killed his (maybe?) brother because he is morbidly obsessed with his partner. I ask again; would you fuck your younger brother cuz it's just the two of you and he reeeeeeeally wants it? No, literally and figuratively no, it has nothing to do with trauma, it's such a huge taboo that it's just his stupidity and naivety, cuz there isn't a universe where people don't consider it a transcendence of all radiances (especially considering that he was in a normal healthy relationship, so he knows what it's supposed to look like, it's not like he's never experienced anything, he's 34 years old, my god) and most importantly he raised him; he sees him not only as a brother, but also as "his" child and that's just fucking sick, say whatever you want
Certified loverboy certified WHAT?
pedophile wapwapwapwap
if you're saying that the author is a pedo, it's so true! i just wanted a cute brother story but i got uhm... something i did not ever ever want. but if you're saying yuu is the pedo, he isn't. he doesn't have any bad intentions and he thinks that tsubaki is just a little brother (which he mentioned on the past chapters alr) plus he thinks tsubaki is just in a phase on having little crushes and thinks it's not serious (which is also serious) yuu just needs to be more frank with his thoughts (he actually wanted to be frank with tsubaki but he's scared that tsubaki will hate him plus he doesn't want to be "harsh" to a 10 year old) poor yuu... :(
i just wanted to quote kendrick but yea i think this author wants to fuck childlike wonders (yuu is on thin ice. that young man is enabling the kid too much lol)