I’m trying so hard to catch up with this but every time I see her infuriating ass brother I feel a seething rage build up within my soul. I love this story, it’s way more interesting than any other “reincarnated as the villainess” types that I’ve read, but it just had to have one flaw despite being perfectly exceptional otherwise. Why, just why, does her step-brother need to have feelings for her??? It’s a case I’ve seen with a variety of romance manga/manhwa, and it always manages to make my skin crawl. It makes me upset that step-siblings are depicted so wrongly in romance manga, especially when it comes to this one since Gil obviously grew up with Cecilia, that makes it quite unrealistic for him to develop any feelings other than familial love for her. But unfortunately the author decided to be like any other harem Shoujo mangaka and have one of the love interests be the unorthodox brother. Moreover, Cecilia obviously viewed him as family as well??? Hello??? Dislike my comment if you will, it seems like the lot of you enjoy the urchin’s presence, but I just needed to convey my opinion.
Also, please don’t reply to my comment by saying “stop reading it then” people like you are annoying. Maybe I’ll drop it eventually but I still atleast want to attempt to look past the undying roach that is Cecilia’s brother.
I’m actually about to jump someone