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Nataku245 December 17, 2020 4:06 pm

I had an inkling at the beginning that the seme had a dark side but since it never really showed in the chapters I thought maybe I was wrong but then the last chapter and the bonus chapter... there it is! Definitely not okay what he did to those girls, if he actually paired those girls then I feel sorry for them not being able to form a new pair. I think that should be a criminal offense in the omegaverse.

All of this is just my own opinions on this story but...

I think in school the seme was drawn to the uke and borderline obsessed(¹) and possessive but I didn't have the impression he was even fully aware of WHY he was doing it and the uke wasn't yet producing the pheromones that would have accelerated the pairing. I don't think it's currently a very healthy relationship on the semes part (the uke has no clue about any of it) and it could turn abusive under the wrong circumstances; in the past he separated the not-yet-uke from others that person might consider special to try to keep their attention on himself - similar to an abusive relationship. On the other hand the uke could have a stabilizing effect on the seme and once he feels secure that his partner is his and only his he could be fine. I'm not blaming the uke for this because it isn't his fault at all but the seme encountering the ukes heat and seeing another alpha trying to claim his mate may have retriggered his previous possessive mating behavior and amplified it.

However despite his biting and discarding omegas in high school I don't think he's going to toss him away or abandon him, he wants to bind the uke to him permanently and honestly I think he already has(²) but he the seme sees the uke becoming an omega as a way to do that and will try to impregnate the uke to that end.

Perhaps it's because it's an alpha x alpha-becomes an omega situation that we're seeing the possessive behavior of an alpha pursuing a mate more pronounced but I'm not so certain that his behavior - which is definitely horrible - is all that different from another alphas mating instincts - often they see an omega they want to claim and do whatever it takes to claim their omega and get rid of rivals - in this instance his primary rivals were omegas, though I think it was a subconscious distinction to him, it's just a more extreme situation than the usual alphaxomega pairings and this one is certainly different because I've never seen an indication before of spontaneous second gender change - only incorrect gender evaluations) and only one other story where an even rarer gender was able to impregnate alphas and betas in addition to omegas - and I dont recall that guys behavior being all that great either.

I've been reading so much omegaverse manga and seeing readers reactions towards them (likes - non-asshole alphas and cute babies and dislikes - why are the omegas always getting raped and treated like shit in society) I've got ideas in my head for stories but I'm not an artist and I think it's unlikely I'll find the time to sit down and actually write them, I'm too busy reading them lol so they'll probably just stay in my head. I'm even trying to find omegaverse novels (not web novels) but haven't found any that interested me enough to buy them to read, the few I saw were m/f (and some controversy around two authors that I looked into and thought was really stupid - like seriously do you think you own the omegaverse?) and while I read a lot of straight romance when it comes to m/f omegaverse it's kind of why bother, there isn't that much difference and if I want that kind of story I'll just reread my Lora Leigh books. So if you know any good m/m omegaverse novels let me know please.

Wow this was a much longer post than I intended... ⁄(⁄ ⁄·⁄ω⁄·⁄ ⁄)⁄

¹ - Borderline because he didn't continue to pursue the uke after high school until they met again years later and let it go when his attempt to hit on the uke was brushed off (during high school) whereas someone completely obsessed would have likely reacted violently at some point to rejection. Even when the uke broke up with him later he didn't go all psycho. His extreme behavior afterwards didn't occur until his exposure to the omega heat pheromones and his finding out that his alpha partner could become an omega.

² - Omegas' heat doesn't typically make them throw up but in some stories they've become physically ill or felt extreme pain when having sex with -usually being raped by- someone not their paired alpha - and this uke tried to have sex with an omega and got sick.

Nataku245 December 8, 2020 9:18 pm

Been so long since we saw that face I forgot how hot he was as a human. Looks like that other fellow is moving again, but I always figured him for the main villain anyway.

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