This is an automated message generated by the Snapchat team. Your message has been found to be a violation of 42 U.S.C § 1283 (2020). The message you sent has been scanned by our AI Bot and was flagged as sexual harassment. Your account is scheduled to be reported to the police. Our bot is currently in BETA testing in which it makes mistakes. If......

But what you didn't know is that I already spotted you but pretend not to notice. That is how I lure in my meals. You see I've been real hungry lately and low on my meat supply. I know you are hiding in my closet right now. I see you through the gaps. I'll give you a seconds to run that makes the hunt and the reward much more sweet. *reloads shotgu......
The morning after I killed myself, I woke up. I made myself breakfast in bed. I added salt and pepper to my eggs and used my toast for a cheese and bacon sandwich. I squeezed a grapefruit into a juice glass. I scraped the ashes from the frying pan and rinsed the butter off the counter. I washed the dishes and folded the towels. The morning after ......
Photo from Boyfriends Extras