So, It seems Sangwoo is planning to learn English and pass the test for the American grad school and they go together after he graduates. In the meantime, improve Veggie while Jaeyoung works at a gaming company in Korea. Good plan. I just want to know more about Jaeyoung’s grandfather and how he will handle the news about Jaeyoung’s boyfriend. He seems like the type who would be fine with Jaeyoung messing around with a man, but have a fit if Jaeyoung marries a man and “dishonors” the family. Jaeyoung’s twin brother is gay/bi too, I believe… Also, when do we meet Sangwoo’s family? I was hoping the author would explore the above.
Incredible! I am going to hit up Skye on Twitter/X and ask her to try to get it published in hardcopy/book format! Sublime etc should def. publish it! I need this on my bookshelf!
Hmmm....good luck with that. Considering you are their biggest fan and you PAID to read ALL their work instead of reading for free on an iillegal website. I'm sure they'll rush off to create a hardback for you.
Who pissed in your cheerios? I am saying I will buy their book if they print it. Also, I am not the only one asking. Her X twitter has tons of fans.
damn they were so negative and for what