man i dont know which one hurt more . is it the bestfriend that have been waiting for so long (if he like the alpha if not then FUCK YEAH) or the one who think he dont fit in at all :'))
u know um , if u dont know how to translate it to smtg that make sense , dont do the translations . im suffering reading all of this . i was so excited to read a new chapter but the translations ruin the mood .
Yeah same like I get it's free and all but just cuz it's free it doesn't mean the translation should be so shitty to the point it's not understandable and just adds up to the confusion rather than helping anything. I totally didn't get what the last ch is about...
i was like "oh this is going to be good" then ... THE END ?!?!? HIDUP INI TIDAK GUNA APAKAH INI
couldnt agreed more bestie