L i t t l e D u n n o want to do ( All 1 )

hate myself

L i t t l e D u n n o's experience ( All 0 )

L i t t l e D u n n o's answer ( All 24 )

I have never loved anyone. yet. just have not found the right person.   reply
19 12,2020
Imagine being stupid enough to fetishize m|m...Thank you for this OP. Well said.   reply
19 12,2020
just commenting cause I want an update for the answer. ╮( ̄▽ ̄)╭   1 reply
13 12,2020
If it's the group, good luck with that. It is just the Christmas spirit. If you are specifically trying to avoid someone, there is nothing bad about that, but to make an entire post about it kind of blows it up into drama and no one needs to be put in the negative spotlight like this. Please do not do this again, and as someone else said, it is kin......   1 reply
10 12,2020
Hee hee, cute. thank you for sharing this   reply
10 12,2020

L i t t l e D u n n o's question ( All 3 )

I think banana, cucumber, tomato, lightbulb, dog, corn, television, pencil, frog, and earrings have already been done. Sorry if I missed some :(

So, here are my ideas:

1. Chainsaw
2. firecrackers
3. Weedwacker
4. little brother
5. boot
6. peanut
7. queen sized mattress

Most votes is what I will pick (●'◡'●)ノ
06 12,2020
I am by no means trying to 'erase black culture' (y'all, I'm mixed, hush) or turn the light away from the 'BLM' right now. I just thought someone had to say it, and since I'm pretty ballsy and open to kind criticism (No, I will not be reading or even responding to any trolling or just people saying 'stfu white b and sit down. Joke on you, again, as said above, I'm not freaking ''white'' anyway).

PSA: This is 2020. Most of us, or even none, of us, were even alive during slavery or colonization and I doubt very many of the users were alive before the 1980's. I did not enslave anyone. I did not participate in colonization. I did not take anyone's rights away. I fight for the rights of minorities. I support everyone around me, different or the same. I support black lives matter, gay lives, Muslim lives, all lives. Because they're all still lives. A life is a life.
I get that for minorities, society still is not where it should be. I understand, that's why I am fighting for you. But why should I, a woman born in the 2000's, be held accountable for the actions of people who I share only the same skin color with? And all you POC, you weren't a slave, you didn't come over on the ships from Africa. So why are you acting like you did? Address the problems here and now and stop blaming whites for what happened centuries ago. News flash, there isn't a time machine that can take us back to change it all. All we can do is focus on the here and now. Which, if you didn't read, I'm fighting to improve the here and now for people different than me. Blaming me for what people I have no relation to did before my time is useless. And quite honestly, offensive.
Just because I share the same color of skin as a group of people that did shitty things 300 years ago, doesn't make me a shitty person by default. According to that logic, there isn't a good human being left on Earth.
So because it happened to one race, why does that make it acceptable to happen to another? Shouldn't we ALL just agree that this shouldn't be happening to ANYONE regardless of color, religion etc?!
As a half 'white' person, how long must I be subjected to constant social and cultural scrutiny because of major offenses committed by other white people from the past?

I work 70 hours a week. A co-worker, at least half of each work day, lectures me on 'white privilege' and various ways in which "my race is the worst one"... an actual word for word from them. This person doesn't even know my last name, yet it is acceptable for him to speak of my ethnicity in such an insulting manner because he is black? And if I question the harshness of this viewpoint that is being pushed down my throat in such an uninvited manner, then I am just another 'willfully ignorant' ''white'' person?

I'm of the opinion that insulting someone will NOT make them want to listen to you. That goes for white people who are racist towards POC as well as POC who talk shit about white people and ANY OTHER RACE. It's called racism for a reason. ANYONE can be rude to anyone else, no matter their social status, race, color, religion, etc. I really don't see how ignorance from anyone is going to create equality and unity.
I'm not saying that white privilege doesn't exist (it does) or that black people aren't being/have been oppressed (they have/are), but I don't think anyone wants to be called a "plague to the planet". And 'pulling the race card' DOES exist too, so you know. For everyone.
As others have said, "reverse racism" isn't a thing - it's just racism, no matter whom it comes from and whom it's referring to. That's my point.

We moved a while back, to where I live now, and it is a larger city. With approx. 32,800 people. Where I used to live, in a little town, It was 27% white, 63% black, and the remaining 10% are various other races/mixes.

I have been called all kinds of racist names, usually for no reason at all. Simply driving through a mostly black neighborhood will elicit shouts of "white-ass bitch," or similar names. And I, and my family, have been discriminated against in various situations. No, I'm not ''asking to be oppressed'' screw off, I am not. What I'm experiencing here is just racism. As any other.

I took a college elective called Restorative Justice, where the idea was promoted that black people commit crimes due to their lack of privilege, and therefore should not be held accountable.
No, it's called a choice and free will. There are scores of poor and/or less privileged people of ALL colors who do not turn to crime. A crime is a crime, no matter the race, gender, religion, and so on.

I agree white privilege exists, but you will never convince me that a black person cannot be racist against a white person. Or an Asian being racist to a black person. Or a Latino person being racist towards Koreans. Anyone can be racist. It can and does happen. Some people just don't see it or decide not to see it.

No, sorry. I am a good person. I won't be treated like a villain.
I feel like some posts I've seen on here and other places are supposed to make me feel bad for being white...and if I said something along the lines of "I'm proud to be white" someone might lose their shit.
Go ahead. Lol. Lose your shit (:

Proud to be white, just as any African American is proud to be black. Right? Take pride in your race, but don't shun others.
Honestly. I'm quite tired of this.
I am tired of being told how racist I am by the color of my skin.
America is just getting worse and worse as a country.

Sincerely, an LGBT African-American Latin mixed female, because it's apparently important to identify oneself to validate an opinion on races. :/

Oh, and I felt the need to identify my culture and skin color because apparently white people aren't allowed to have opinions on ''race wars".

Please. Tell me what you think (*think*) I said 'wrong'. Please, go right ahead.
But like...don't be a racist brat, lmao. No need to be rude to each other in the comments either. Be mature about this. I'm actually curious to see what some of you have to say. ^^ Thank you for reading all of this, I apologize if something I said offended you, but I didn't mean to put down anyone at all. That is not the purpose of this post.
Happy Hanuka, Christmas, Boxing day, or simply nice December to those that do not celebrate any sort of holiday this month.

p.s. You're not effing quirky for saying 'BLM' every 20 minutes, Karen. Go away and educate yourself about this actual problem.
05 12,2020
and yet...
I was shaving my legs in the shower, I stand upright again, and I GRAZED my freaking (new)* razer on mah nipple.

From my poor little titty.
I just had to vent about my pain and stupidity. Thank you.

*Sharp and clean and sharp sharp sharp :(

Also why are so many people leaving? I heard from some other people because of personal reasons, but I enjoy talking/wanted to talk to some people, but they said they were leaving or have in their bio that they have left/are not on here as much. :(
*cough* I really wanted to be friends with some people *cough* Taku *cough Iwa *cough* but I think they're less active. :(
Are you planning to leave?? If so, why? Do you guys have any other manga sites you can recommend to me if this does happen to get taken down?

Alsooooo not to sound creepy, but does anyone know if this iwa has another place I cant talk to them at? (Discord, wattpad, insta, pinterst, etc) I SOUND LIKE A CREEPER SORRY i just thought they were funny and wanted to be friends *-*

yeeee happy christmers. or what ever...
01 12,2020

People are doing

did discord server

guys like to send me pictures of they're wieners

2 hours
did first love

bruh i js had a dream of my first ex just now ...

11 hours
did discord server

Keep having fun and having good vibes, i mean it. I made mistakes and stuff and learned from it. Just for the sake of others, stop. who gaf.

13 hours