Oh my god this fucking friend does not fucking know whrn to shut his fucking mouth.. there is nothing in this worldddd that gives anybody to the right to share a story that is not theirs to tell. I am sooo frustrated and triggered by this fucking shit. He has no boundaries its disgusting.. i hope the next chapters he declines looking and reprimands him for tht too.
I dont believe him.. there is literally nothing on him thag makes me even have the slightest chance.
Chachaaaaa hiii babyyyyyy lmaoo they are sooo cuteee!! Not that grown ass man demanding milk in the very last panel
This has been on break for SOOOO long and comes back and hurts me evennnn fucking moreeeeeeeee!!!! Oh my rass!!!
Im still dreaming and praying on a chap where yeonwoo DISSES HIM (by ignoring him , or not falling into these sex traps.. too busy for him) i jus wld loveeee to see his smug face wiped off but i know it wont happen lol
Ohhhhkaaayyyy so my baby prob a suppressed wolf.. or something special like everybody else hence animals connect with him so heavy lol
His nipples literally made me shake my shirt… like i felt the pain 100 %.. gosh. But sexy tho
Oh no, so is he jus gonna be moving in a dazeeeeeeeeeeeee.. i feel sad, he is gonna feel so betrayed.
I hate this fucking friend. I am exhausted of him.. can he just get his own fucking life and leave them tf alone, shit. Who nags and involves their selves with nooo shame this much? Its a sickness i swear.
Bless your heart for clearing his prior leg fungus lmao. That looks sooo great. I hope to see that from now on.. or at least i have the memory of it.
That was a really serious chapter at the beginning like i shld have taken notes serious lol …. Then it got cute lol love that.