A comment to let anyone, who feels like someone having suicidal thoughts is an valid excuse to bully teenager, that the last chapter doesn't have a Uploader name. That means it was uploaded by Mgg itself, which also means that this person is probably not uploading anymore and perhaps you should stopping sending them so much hate that could also lead them (depending on their mental health state) to have suicidal thoughts as well?
You could always have been polite and choosed kindness, specially when you trying to raise awareness about Depression. It feels like some of you forgot that this person is a teenager and a human being. They probably just got excited with the fact that with Uploaders name showing up, people be thanking them or following them here and thought they should try it as well. Also, did anyone considered that maybe It Mgg itself take down the notes, asking people to stop uploading it here? Think about it.

Shhh shut up and fucking take it https://vt.tiktok.com/ZSJPdS7vF/

Now shut up and take it! https://vt.tiktok.com/ZSJP2SvRc/

My god!!..look at the comment thread I think people and the author everyone should just calm down....it's not like nobody buy her work....everybody's trying to do what they can.....

They're not doing what they can. People who have access to Lezhin and can claim the free bonus coins aren't doing so and instead leeching her work illegally here. Lazy mofos who just want to be spoon-fed. How would you feel if you were the author and your job is being threatened. Even worse, some illegal uploaders have harrased the author through text messages. Its enough to drive people to depression and to the point of suicide

Thanks Mika for uploading, keep up the good work ignore this bunch of hypocritical, righteous wanna be.

Thankful because the author is suicidal and said they'll quit working on this webtoon because of illegal uploads?
Translation: I fell asleep after working all night. I was very exhausted and woke up to beggars demanding to read illegally. It appears it's time of me to quit this.
Check their previous tweets as well.

Then why are you here?????
Calling ppl Lazy when ur also one of us
And do you think claming Coins once a week can read a whole 50 chapters???
Use ur brain SMH,
I love Blind play But if ppl are being Like this then I would read something else.
It's better if they delete the translation than doing cringy stuff cuz in the end this shitty issue will never stop.

Thankyou so much for uploading here....but I think it should be uploaded 1 or 2 days later after the original release on lehzin......
....Once again thankyou, I'm really grateful that you're taking your time and helping us

I think people are supporting the aurthor the way they can even I collect bonus coins just for blind play.....maybe it would be insensitive of me to say this but I think if it wasn't uploaded here I wouldn't have known this story even existed......that's why I'm thankful that they are uploading here and I kinda want them to continue uploading maybe 1 or 2 days later so that author can also earn....thats all

Thankful or not, today the author said they'll stop working on this webtoon if their work gets reuploaded.

Ophelia is so much prettier than fluer can't believe the Prince fumbled so bad