emo chick's feed

emo chick created a topic of Put a Smile On

I hate how everyone is justifying the rape by saying “oh, well, other stories have rape” or “I bet he has a reason why he did it” no the hell he didn’t. You’re being insensitive to rape victim survivors, and the families of those who lost their children, sisters, brothers, cousins, nieces, nephews, etc. due to that.

I’ve been researching crime, I have a few notebooks dedicated to it, and I watch crime podcasts almost everyday.
I can’t tell you how many stories I’ve heard of young women and men being raped and murdered, or have immense trauma from that to the point where they commit suicide, end up getting mental illness such as anxiety or depression, need to go to therapy for their rest of their lives, or just straight up get agoraphobia¹.
It’s so common to the point where people will hear about it in a crime case and go “oh, well, they deserve jail time.” And brush over it because it’s normalized.

Seriously, it’s so disgusting to see you people make up excuses. “Well it’s fiction..” fiction reflects reality, asshole.

Back to one of the first things I said — “oh, well, other stories have rape.” Is this other stories? Are they relevant right now? Shut the fuck up. Yes, other stories DO have rape, but that doesn’t excuse this one. As I said before — it’s normalized in modern day society, and you guys are feeding into the normalization by saying “oh I love this story!”

Agoraphobia¹ - extreme or irrational fear of entering open or crowded places, of leaving one's own home, or of being in places from which escape is difficult.