Nah this makes no sense, he wants to ruin Kazuma's life because he himself did something stupid?? Like no one told him to fucking have sex with the guy who came onto him, and bc he had sex with him he ruined whatever chance he had of being with Noah, which is sad bc Noah did seem to like him, but there's no way this is Kazuma's fault, Nanoa didn't have to join in the orgy, he made the choice, it was his fault, yet he finds someone else to blame, unbelievable
Some one pls tell me why Philip is bad like what did he do?
It’s because he knows the secret of House Taran, that being: INCEST. Additionally, he knows how to make women who aren’t of the bloodline give birth to daughters (with the Mugwort method) in order for the daughters to then marry their Half-brothers (half brothers because only sons can be born of two Taran parents). Otherwise, regular women wouldn’t be able to bear a child with the blood of house Taran because like the story said, they’re not actually entirely human. They have the ability to use magic- unlike other humans- and so they can’t have magic-using children with regular humans. This is why house Taran has been a noble house since ancient times.
Why do the 'chibi' versions (I think it's the chibi versions anyway) of the characters deadaas look like the characters in a goofy movie.