I've been waiting for an update for 2 years already

looks like it's most likely "discontinued". I was looking for raws and can't find anything since c35 in 2021 rip. Randomly check like twice a year....was staying hopeful. Big pity since this be so different and good sob. Official status is 'indefinite hiatus' and the only things I'd been able to find were a random 8 month old reddit post about it getting a new writer and resuming in 2023 (which looks to be info they got through novelupdates forum post translating author's kakao post saying they'd resume in the "first half of next year" -post date 2022-) but...2023 is wearing on. I've lost that hope for the most part.
i just can't read this anymore pls, i stopped at chapter 10 i feel so uncomfortable reading the r4pe smut i see alot of people actually enjoying this manhwa... welp happy reading y'all, imma rate this manhwa a 2 star...
nooo we lost a warrior
This is not r*pe smut… I get what you’re saying cause the main love is like a brick wall but in all the scenes you can kinda see him making sure he’s ok this would not be considered r*pe to most standards. I know this comment was sent light heartedly but there’s a lot of BLs out there that genuinely do have r*pe smut / plots. This simply isn’t one of them and saying this is takes away from the ones that genuinely are. There are scenes where sexual assault / r*pe occurs but not between the main couple which I assume is what ur talking about. The artist actually makes sure to address that what is happening is wrong. (The gala scene.) I’m mainly just commenting this cause ur comment is kinda implying that the artist supports the idea of r*pe. And at least in this comic that is not the case.
Dawg what? Have we been reading the same thing Σ(  ̄□ ̄||)
Its really hard, these days, with manwha when the authors continuously make all their smut (even the consensual stuff) come off as r*pe.
I would say the s3x scenes in the first 40 chapters were ill-contrived and forced into the plot unnecessarily, but I dont know if we can call them r*pe...are they deeply uncomfortable? Yes. Is the use of the reluctant-but-still-enjoying trope kink authors think is a selling point, overused and concerning? Also yes.
Tbh if all this is off putting, I think shounen ai would be better for yall, stilla love story but no smut ( ̄∇ ̄")
Don’t let them silence you, you are absolutely right.
But they’re literally not !!! Dude you can’t just go around labeling things r*pe that clearly aren’t. It leads to people not being able to comprehend what actual r*pe is and would look like.