Tammicita's experience ( All 1 )

13 12,2023
So happy because I managed to get tickets to San Diego Comic Con! Have to start planning my cosplay.   reply
13 12,2023

Tammicita's answer ( All 58 )

Secret Inside My Head   reply
9 days
about question
No offense, but you are either: A. Rage baiting people B. A Republican troll that is trying to lead people down the path of believing homosexuality is wrong and if you are not careful, the gays will turn you gay too. "I watched gay porn, now I'm gay!" C. Ignorant and/or really naive Which ever of these led you to posting this question, it is extr......   reply
29 days
about lmao
21 05,2024
That may have been true years a go, but it's not anymore. There are plenty of stories where the uke is just as big and buff as the seme, if not bigger. There are real life gay men who ARE small and feminine. I know some. It's about preference. Some people find small feminine men attractive while others don't. The below are not so little r feminine......   1 reply
21 05,2024
about question
Thirst   1 reply
09 05,2024

Tammicita's question ( All 0 )