Torabunbun's feed

I am sorry, but if my family member, such as my grandmother no less, gave it to me straight and released the cold, hard truth... I would have stopped whatever I obsession I have accumulated (although, depending really on the obsession, but let's just say it was something like this manga for an easier example). I would never have the slightest urge to leave my room ever again except for food, bathroom if my room doesn't have its own, or needing the good ole outdoors and vitamin D that I'm already lacking.

Shinobu is a sad excuse for a human being and a woman. She is so high on her pride and need to be the best and better than everyone else, I wouldn't be surprised if death was the option chosen because no one in their right mind would let that thing stay alive after what she is plotting against Nanao.

Props to the grandmother for not judging Nanao after hearing why she goes to the hospital. She saw the pure kindness and empathy in Nanao that not a lot noblewomen in that era possesses.