Torabunbun's feed

It's painfully obvious there are miscommunications and misunderstandings on both sides.
A grandfather who was grieving over the loss of his son and now finding out he's dead then comes his granddaughter, it's a given during time of mourning, he's easily swayed by that terrible head maid about her lies of the granddaughter. And with that is how it starts the domino effect of everyone thinking she isn't worthy of being loved henceforth she is neglected, with no room to fix it.
Then you got Savina's point of view of being neglected because of what the same head maid said to her about the grandfather's "orders" and how she perceived that as being hated and treated horribly. In turn, caused her to despised them without truly knowing their true feelings.

No one in that family truly hates her, just unfortunately there are miscommunications and misunderstandings on both sides. While I am able to understand why the grandfather did what he did, but due to his lack of communication and seeing the truth, it's inexcusable.