I'msobored June 11, 2021 11:43 am

i hate how in almost every yaoi girls are stupid and annoying. it's like a rule for yaoi storys. i won't say anything about this manga, but i hated girls part

I'msobored May 13, 2021 10:52 pm

Actually first story looked wholesome, at least i think author wanted it to be, but it came out dumb. like i understand it's scary when you are gay and teenager at the same time, it really is. but i couldn't call that seme's feelings love, like who the fuck refuses someone they love like that. "You're just misunderstanding your feelings" ?!?! wtf was that ?! He literally hurt him and called that love ?! And you guys like that ? Love is to grow with that person, help and take care of them, and he did none of that. That selfish bastard only thought about himself. And he was afraid of them breaking up, while they were not together yet and reject him for that ?? What's the pointt!! Ughh when i think more i get more annoyed

I'msobored March 3, 2021 9:39 pm

so the lesson we all learned from this: JUST BE FUCKING HONEST WITH YOUR PARTNER

I'msobored December 13, 2020 11:15 pm

THAT WAS SO STUPIT! It really annoyed me. violence and violence, Again and again! Just how is that possible to love someone who threatened you so bad, and also not one person, TWO ?! they fucking RAPED him! and then somehow three of them ended up together ? And they lived happy ever after ? LoL just wtf i'm so pissed

    Chi January 4, 2021 1:49 pm

    That's why it was "let's make our live song, one that's strange and twisted" lmao

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